Improving Customer Service with Mass Notification: How Park Water Company Reduced Customer Communication Costs While Preparing for Emergencies
通过大规模通知改善客户服务:Park Water Company如何在准备紧急情况时降低客户沟通成本
This slide presentation outlines customer communication needs at Park Water Company on notification about planned activities that impact the community such as: unidirectional flushing (UDF), clean out sediments from pipes;
service interruptions for maintenance or new installation;
inspection visits; and,
notifications on billing procedures (possible double billing). Additional "innovative" notification was sought to improve the
current customer notification such as:
quicker response time to customers;
allow PWC to remotely contact MORE customers QUICKLY;
select, with more detail, the customers being impacted by a
planned activity for a notification via telephone; overall, we wanted to accentuate the current "Door Hanger" with
semi-direct contact with the customer. Key challenges included: slow, unwieldy emergency communication processes; labor-intensive and costly customer service; and, very little flexibility to change
scheduled maintenance/
service interruption windows. PWC chose the 3n mass notification system to
meet its stringent requirements which includes the
ability to:
send public safety alerts and maintenance notices to
customers in affected areas in minutes;
contact residents on any communication device,
including home phones, cell phones, pagers, email, and
more; and,
guarantee messaging capabilities during any
emergency. Further topics outlined include: how mass notification works; PWC implementation of the 3n System; and, Geo-Notification.