Retrieval and analysis of surgical implants-Retrieval and handling
BS ISO 12891-1:2015规定了取出和处理外科手术器械的方法
ISO 12891还提供了感染控制指南。注:可以适用国家或其他更严格的法规。ISO 12891的本部分不适用于无意收集的外植体
检索数据。然而,许多条款提供了有用的信息,这些信息也适用于这些情况。交叉引用:ISO 15223-1:2012NSF/ANSI 49ASTM F561购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修改件均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 12891-1:2015 specifies the method to be followed for the retrieval and handling of surgical
implants and associated tissues and fluids. In particular, it specifies the essential steps to be followed
for the safe and proper obtaining of the clinical history, pre-explantation checks and examinations,
collection, labelling, cleaning, decontamination, documentation, packing and shipping. This part of
ISO 12891 also provides guidance on infection control.NOTE National or other regulations, which can be more stringent, can apply.This part of ISO 12891 does not apply in cases of explantation where there is no intention to collect
retrieval data. However, many clauses give useful information which can apply in these cases also.Cross References:ISO 15223-1:2012NSF/ANSI 49ASTM F561All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.