Thermoplastics valves for industrial applications — Pressure test methods and requirements — Part 2: Test conditions and basic requirements
ISO 9393-2:2005规定了对以下热塑性材料制成的阀门进行静水压试验的试验参数和条件:ABS、PE 80、PE 100、PP-H、PP-B、PP-R、PP-R-GF、PVC-C、PVC-U和PVDF。测试包括以下几个方面:用于制造阀门的材料;加压阀组件;完整的阀门。
ISO 9393-2:2005 specifies the test parameters and conditions for hydrostatic-pressure tests on valves made of the following thermoplastic materials: ABS, PE 80, PE 100, PP-H, PP-B, PP-R, PP-R-GF, PVC-C, PVC-U and PVDF. The tests cover the following aspects: the material used for manufacturing valves; the pressurized valve components; the complete valve.