Morphological Analysis and Solubility of Lead Particles: Effect of Phosphates and Implications to Drinking Water Distribution
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of water chemistry impacting lead mineralogy,
solubility, and particle properties. Study objectives were to: describe lead synthesis experiments conducted to
model the impact of water quality on lead particles
and solubility;
develop a model system that can be used for lead
solubility studies; and,
understand how phosphates impact the
morphology and solubility transformations with
time. Synthesis and analysis of methods are presented, along with particle synthesis results for chlorine and age, orthophosphates, and polyphosphates. Presentation conclusions indicate the following:
precipitation experiments provide a simple means
of understanding fundamental interactions of lead
morphological and surface analysis can help
explain the results of studies that observed
decreased lead solubility after disinfectant change
(ORP) and the formation of Pb(IV) compounds in
the absence of phosphates;
addition of other types of phosphates impacted
the mineralogy and transformation compared to
the phosphate-free samples; chemical analysis associated with transformation
and surface morphology will provide useful insight
into dissolution of lead in water; and,
lead pyrophosphates and other metal
pyrophosphates could conceivably form in real
DWDS and more work is needed to determine the
kinetic and synthetic boundaries. Includes figures.