Self-propelled machinery for forestry — Laboratory tests and performance requirements for roll-over protective structures — Part 2: Machines having a rotating platform with a cab and boom on the platform
林业用自行式机械——防滚翻保护结构的实验室试验和性能要求Spart 2:具有带驾驶室的旋转平台和平台上的动臂的机器
ISO 8082-2:2011建立了一种一致且可重复的方法,用于评估静态载荷下自行式林业机械上防滚翻保护结构(ROPS)的承载特性,并给出了此类载荷下代表性试样的性能要求。它适用于配置为林业机械或ISO 6814中定义为林业机械的机器,该机器具有带驾驶室的旋转平台(带或不带固定驾驶室立管)和位于同一或单独平台上的动臂,拟由佩戴安全带的操作员操作。
ISO 8082-2:2011 establishes a consistent and reproducible means of evaluating the load-carrying characteristics of roll-over protective structures(ROPS) on self-propelled forestry machines under static loading, and gives performance requirements for a representative specimen under such loading. It is applicable to machines configured as forestry machines or defined as such in ISO 6814, having a rotating platform with a cab -- with or without a fixed cab riser -- and boom on the same or a separate platform, intended to be operated by an operator wearing a seat-belt. It is not applicable to forestry machines with elevating cabs.