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现行 AT-15-008
Design Criteria and Thermal Performance of a Building-Integrated Ventilated Concrete Slab 建筑整体通风混凝土板的设计标准和热工性能
研究了通风混凝土板(VCS)与空气源热泵(ASHP)和建筑集成光伏/热(BIPV/T)集热器作为蓄热器的有效性。考虑空气质量流量和通道尺寸,讨论了实验室内空气通道的设计准则。使用BIPV/T系统的ATRNSYS模型来估计冬季BIPV/T面板的潜在热发电量。产生的热能储存在真空吸尘器中,然后在夜间运行时释放回ASHP。结果表明,使用VCS蓄热器对室外空气进行预热,作为空气的入口- 源热泵计算系统的性能系数(COP)。因此,夜间ASHP的耗电量减少。这种蓄热器在不使用水或其他蓄热系统/材料的情况下,提高了PV/T和ASHP的性能。此外,在ANSYS Fluent中创建了VCS的三维模型,以模拟空气、混凝土和房间之间的传热。模拟结果基于0.1到5.3 m/s(17.4 fps)的不同进气速度下的不同进气温度。结果表明,通道内较低的空气流速对应于空气和混凝土之间更有效的传热。 然而,较低的入口速度无法传递所需的总热能。因此,必须为每个VCS设计找到空气速度、外部空气温度、传热率和总传热的最佳组合。引文:2015年年度会议,佐治亚州亚特兰大,2015年交易,第121卷。2.
Effectiveness of a ventilated concrete slab (VCS) as a thermalstorage integrated with an air-source heat pump (ASHP)and building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T)collectorwasstudied. Design criteria of air channels inside theslab are discussed considering the mass flow rate of air andsize of channels.ATRNSYS model of BIPV/T systems was usedto estimate potential thermal generation of the BIPV/T panelsin the winter. Generated thermal energy was stored in the VCSand then released back to the ASHP during night-time operation.It is shown that usingVCSthermal storage to preheat theoutdoor air as an inlet flow to the air-source heat pumpincreases the coefficient of performance (COP) of the system.Consequently, electricity consumption by the ASHP decreasesduring night. This thermal storage improves performance ofboth PV/T and ASHP without using water or other thermalstorage systems/materials. Additionally, a three-dimensionalmodel of theVCS was created in ANSYS Fluent to simulate theheat transfer between air, concrete, and room. The simulatedresults are based on different inlet air temperatures for a varietyof inlet air velocities from 0.1 to 5.3 m/s (17.4 fps). It isshown that lower air velocity inside channel corresponds tomore efficient heat transfer between air and concrete.However, the low inlet velocity cannot transfer the totalrequired thermal energy. Therefore, an optimal combination ofair velocity, outside air temperature, heat transfer rate, andtotal heat transfer must be found for each VCS design.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类