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现行 ISO 16840-10:2021
Wheelchair seating — Part 10: Resistance to ignition of postural support devices — Requirements and test method 轮椅座椅.第10部分:姿势支撑装置的耐燃性.要求和试验方法
发布日期: 2021-06-08
本文件规定了评估轮椅整体或非整体组件(用于保护组织完整性和/或提供姿势支持)通过闷烧香烟当量的点火阻力的要求和试验方法。电子点火源也是对其他潜在环境点火危险源的模拟。 这些测试只测量被测物品的耐燃性,而不是整个轮椅的可燃性。它给出了一个指示,但不能保证完整轮椅组装装置的点火性能。 本文件不适用于轮椅结构部件的点火阻力。本文件不包括定期清洗或使用姿势支撑装置导致的点火阻力变化。 本文件不适用于电气和电子部件产生的风险控制。 本文件允许对通常用于水平面(例如座垫)的轮椅部件与通常用于垂直面(例如靠背支架)的轮椅部件进行单独测试。 本文件描述了组件中使用的复合材料组件的测试。本文件中的试验结果未给出任何指示,表明试样中任何单独材料的耐燃性。 注?本文件的目的主要是针对与人体接触的部件,例如用于定位的垫子,或其描述的目的是保护皮肤组织免受压力、剪切和浸渍相关损伤,以及纺织品、泡沫和塑料- 基于姿势的支持设备。
This document specifies requirements and test methods to assess the resistance to ignition by smouldering cigarette equivalent of integrated or non-integrated components of a wheelchair intended to protect tissue integrity and/or provide postural support. The electronic ignition source is also a simulation of other potential sources of environmental ignition hazards. The tests measure only the resistance to ignition of the items tested, and not the ignitability of the complete wheelchair. It gives an indication, but cannot guarantee, the ignition behaviour of the assembled devices of a complete wheelchair. This document does not apply to resistance to ignition of structural parts of a wheelchair. This document does not cover changes in resistance to ignition as a result of regular washing or use of the postural support devices. This document does not apply to the control of risks created by electrical and electronic components. This document allows for the separate testing of components of a wheelchair that are normally used in the horizontal plane (e.g. a seat cushion) from those normally used in the vertical plane (e.g. a back support). This document describes testing an assembly of the composite of materials as used in the component. The results of the tests in this document do not give any indication of the resistance to ignition of any of the separate individual materials of the test sample. NOTE      The intent of this document is primarily to address components that interface with the human body, such as cushions for positioning, or whose described purpose is that of protecting skin tissue against pressure, shear, and maceration related damage, as well as textile, foam, and plastic-based postural support devices.
归口单位: ISO/TC 173/SC 1