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现行 ISO/IEC/IEEE 24641:2023
Systems and Software engineering — Methods and tools for model-based systems and software engineering 系统和软件工程.基于模型的系统和软件工程学的方法和工具
发布日期: 2023-05-16
本文档讨论了基于模型的系统和软件工程(MBSSE)的工具功能和方法。本文件: —?为MBSSE特定流程的整体结构和流程指定参考模型,并描述参考模型的组件如何组合在一起; —?指定参考模型的组件之间的相互关系; —?为基于模型的系统和软件工程指定MBSSE特定的过程;这些过程是根据目的、投入、结果和任务来描述的; —?指定方法来支持每个进程的已定义任务; —?指定自动化或半自动化任务或方法的工具功能。 本文档没有为系统和软件带来任何额外的生命周期过程,而是指定了一个被视为活动的MBSSE参考模型,不仅从系统工程问题解决和系统的生命周期角度来看-感兴趣的进化,也从建模和模型管理的认知角度来看,这可以在数字化转型和数字时代维持和促进系统和软件生命周期过程。 本文档中定义的流程适用于单个项目,也适用于执行多个项目的组织或企业。这些过程适用于管理和执行基于感兴趣系统生命周期中任何阶段的模型的系统和软件工程活动。

This document deals with the tool capabilities and methods for model-based systems and software engineering (MBSSE). This document:

    specifies a reference model for the overall structure and processes of MBSSE-specific processes, and describes how the components of the reference model fit together;

    specifies interrelationships between the components of the reference model;

    specifies MBSSE-specific processes for model-based systems and software engineering; the processes are described in terms of purpose, inputs, outcomes and tasks;

    specifies methods to support the defined tasks of each process;

    specifies tool capabilities to automate or semi-automate tasks or methods.

This document does not bring any additional life cycle processes for system and software but specifies an MBSSE reference model considered as activities, not only from the life cycle perspectives of systems engineering problem solving and the system-of-interest evolution, but also from the cognitive perspectives of modelling and model management, which can sustain and facilitate the system and software life cycle processes during digital transformation and in the digital age.

The processes defined in this document are applicable for a single project, as well as for an organization performing multiple projects or an enterprise. These processes are applicable for managing and performing the systems and software engineering activities based on models within any stage in the life cycle of a system-of-interest.

归口单位: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7