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现行 ASTM E1382-97(2023)
Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size Using Semiautomatic and Automatic Image Analysis 使用半自动和自动图像分析测定平均粒度的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2023-04-01
1.1 这些试验方法用于通过测量晶粒截距长度、截距计数、相交计数、晶界长度和晶粒面积来确定晶粒尺寸。 1.2 这些测量是用半自动数字化仪或通过使用显微镜产生的晶粒结构图像的自动图像分析进行的。 1.3 这些测试方法适用于任何类型的晶粒结构或晶粒尺寸分布,只要晶粒边界可以通过蚀刻和随后的图像处理(如有必要)清楚地划定。 1.4 这些试验方法适用于其他谷物的测量- 例如细胞结构。 1.5 本标准仅涉及推荐的测试方法,其中的任何内容都不应被解释为定义或确定测试材料的可接受性或适用性的限制。 1.6 这些部分按以下顺序显示: 部分 部分 范围 1. 参考文件 2. 术语 3. 定义 3.1 本标准专用术语的定义 3.2 符号 3.3 试验方法总结 4. 意义和用途 5. 干扰 6. 仪器 7. 取样 8. 试样 9 试样制备 10 标定 11 程序: 半自动数字化平板电脑 12 截距长度 12.3 拦截和交叉口计数 12.4 谷物计数 12.5 粮食面积 12.6 ALA粒度 12.6.1 两相晶粒结构 12.7 程序: 自动图像分析 13 晶界长度 13.5 交叉点计数 13.6 平均弦长(截距)/场 13.7.2 单个弦杆(截距)长度 13.7.4 谷物计数 13.8 平均粮食面积/田地 13.9 单个粮食区 13.9.4 ALA粒度 13.9.8 两相晶粒结构 13.10 结果的计算 14 测试报告 15 精度和偏差 16 非晶粒度- 等轴晶粒结构试样 附件A1 恰当和不恰当的晶界划定示例 附件A2 1.7 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.8 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 这些试验方法涵盖了确定平均晶粒尺寸、晶粒截距长度或晶粒面积分布的程序,适用于具有等轴或变形晶粒形状、均匀或双重晶粒尺寸分布的多晶金属和非金属材料,以及单相或多相晶粒结构。 5.2 使用半自动数字化平板图像分析仪或自动图像分析仪进行测量。这些设备大大减轻了与手动测量相关的繁琐,从而可以收集更多的数据和更广泛的采样,这将比手动方法产生更好的粒度统计定义。 5.3 测试结果的精度和相对精度取决于一个或多个样品的代表性、样品制备的质量、晶界的清晰度(使用的蚀刻技术和蚀刻剂)、测量的晶粒数量或测量区域、检测晶界或晶粒内部的误差,由于检测其他特征(碳化物、夹杂物、孪晶边界等)、测量场的代表性和编程错误而产生的误差。 5.4 这些测试方法的结果可用于根据买方和制造商之间商定的指南对材料进行装运鉴定,比较不同的制造工艺或工艺变化,或提供结构数据- 财产行为研究。
1.1 These test methods are used to determine grain size from measurements of grain intercept lengths, intercept counts, intersection counts, grain boundary length, and grain areas. 1.2 These measurements are made with a semiautomatic digitizing tablet or by automatic image analysis using an image of the grain structure produced by a microscope. 1.3 These test methods are applicable to any type of grain structure or grain size distribution as long as the grain boundaries can be clearly delineated by etching and subsequent image processing, if necessary. 1.4 These test methods are applicable to measurement of other grain-like microstructures, such as cell structures. 1.5 This standard deals only with the recommended test methods and nothing in it should be construed as defining or establishing limits of acceptability or fitness for purpose of the materials tested. 1.6 The sections appear in the following order: Section Section Scope 1 Referenced Documents 2 Terminology 3 Definitions 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard 3.2 Symbols 3.3 Summary of Test Method 4 Significance and Use 5 Interferences 6 Apparatus 7 Sampling 8 Test Specimens 9 Specimen Preparation 10 Calibration 11 Procedure: Semiautomatic Digitizing Tablet 12 Intercept Lengths 12.3 Intercept and Intersection Counts 12.4 Grain Counts 12.5 Grain Areas 12.6 ALA Grain Size 12.6.1 Two-Phase Grain Structures 12.7 Procedure: Automatic Image Analysis 13 Grain Boundary Length 13.5 Intersection Counts 13.6 Mean Chord (Intercept) Length/Field 13.7.2 Individual Chord (Intercept) Lengths 13.7.4 Grain Counts 13.8 Mean Grain Area/Field 13.9 Individual Grain Areas 13.9.4 ALA Grain Size 13.9.8 Two-Phase Grain Structures 13.10 Calculation of Results 14 Test Report 15 Precision and Bias 16 Grain Size of Non-Equiaxed Grain Structure Specimens Annex A1 Examples of Proper and Improper Grain Boundary Delineation Annex A2 1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.8 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 These test methods cover procedures for determining the mean grain size, and the distribution of grain intercept lengths or grain areas, for polycrystalline metals and nonmetallic materials with equiaxed or deformed grain shapes, with uniform or duplex grain size distributions, and for single phase or multiphase grain structures. 5.2 The measurements are performed using semiautomatic digitizing tablet image analyzers or automatic image analyzers. These devices relieve much of the tedium associated with manual measurements, thus permitting collection of a larger amount of data and more extensive sampling which will produce better statistical definition of the grain size than by manual methods. 5.3 The precision and relative accuracy of the test results depend on the representativeness of the specimen or specimens, quality of specimen preparation, clarity of the grain boundaries (etch technique and etchant used), the number of grains measured or the measurement area, errors in detecting grain boundaries or grain interiors, errors due to detecting other features (carbides, inclusions, twin boundaries, and so forth), the representativeness of the fields measured, and programming errors. 5.4 Results from these test methods may be used to qualify material for shipment in accordance with guidelines agreed upon between purchaser and manufacturer, to compare different manufacturing processes or process variations, or to provide data for structure-property-behavior studies.
归口单位: E04.14
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