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现行 SAE AIR1380B
Recommended Practice for Measurement of Static Mechanical Stiffness Properties of Aircraft Tires 飞机轮胎静态机械刚度特性测量推荐实践
发布日期: 2002-02-28
飞机轮胎的静态机械刚度特性是任何机轮和起落架摆振特性计算的基础,并且是防滑系统和飞机机轮设计的重要指南。虽然飞机轮胎的机械刚度特性对频率敏感,但静态或低频值很重要,因为它们最容易通过实验室测试获得,并且最常在文献中发现。 以下推荐的测量此类性能的方法被认为代表了在一个设施或在不同设施之间使用在大多数轮胎测试装置中通常可用的设备提供可靠和可重复测量的实践。
The static mechanical stiffness properties of aircraft tires are fundamental to any computation of wheel and landing gear shimmy characteristics, and are important guides in anti-skid system and aircraft wheel design. While the mechanical stiffness properties of aircraft tires are frequency sensitive, the static or low frequency values are important because they are the ones most easily obtained by laboratory testing and are most commonly found in literature. The following recommended methods for measurement of such properties are believed to represent practices which will give reliable and repeatable measurements, either at one facility or among different facilities, using equipment which is commonly available in most tire testing installations.
归口单位: AEROC