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现行 AN-92-02-1
Operating Characteristics and Annual Efficiencies of Combination Space/Water Heating Systems 空间/水联合供暖系统的运行特性和年效率
介绍了几种不同类型燃气组合空间/水供暖系统的瞬态运行特性和综合年效率的研究结果。在代表冬季平均运行和峰值运行的循环条件下测量瞬态特性。使用建议的ASHRAE标准124P程序计算年度系统效率,对这些设备进行评级,并与循环试验条件下的测量效率进行比较。试验结果表明,当组合系统的部件尺寸适当时,即使在冬季设计的高峰期,传统燃气热水器也能够同时提供生活热水和空间热负荷。热水器的设计通常提供良好的温度分层和充足的热水供应。在除最恶劣的条件外的所有条件下,暖空气供应温度在100至110华氏度(38至43摄氏度)之间,回风温度为70华氏度(21摄氏度)。 ASHRAE-124P试验的结果与四种不同组合加热器的回收效率、能量因数、加热效率和组合年效率的实测使用试验结果之间有很好的一致性。关键词:运营、效率、美国、空间供暖、家用、热水供应、暖风供暖、标准、测试、燃气供暖、组合锅炉:ASHRAE Trans。1992年,第98卷,第1部分,论文编号AN-92-2-1,655-664,图6,表3,参考文献。
Presents the results of a study into the transient operating characteristics and combined annual efficiencies of several different types of gas-fired combination space/water-heating systems. Transient characteristics were measured under cycling conditions representing both average and peak winter operation. Annual system efficiencies were calculated using the proposed ASHRAE Standard 124P procedure for rating these appliances and compared to measured efficiencies under cycling test conditions. States the test results show that conventional gas-fired water heaters are capable of supplying both domestic hot water and space heating loads even during peak winter design conditions, when the components of the combination system are properly sized. The water heater designs generally provided good temperature stratification with an adequate supply of hot water. Under all but the most severe conditions the warm air supply temperature were in the range of 100 to 110degF (38 to 43degC) with 70degF (21degC) return air. There was good agreement between the results from ASHRAE-124P tests and the measured-use tests in terms of recovery efficiency, energy factor, heating efficiency and combined annual efficiency for four different combination heaters.KEYWORDS: Operations, efficiency, USA, space heating, domestic, hot water supply, warm air heating, standards, testing, gas heating, combination boilers
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类