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现行 ISO 18400-205:2018
Soil quality — Sampling — Part 205: Guidance on the procedure for investigation of natural, near-natural and cultivated sites 土壤质量 - 抽样 - 第205部分:关于自然 近自然和耕地的调查程序的指导
发布日期: 2018-10-16
本文件提供了土壤取样指南 -自然和接近自然的地点, -包括森林和树林在内的自然树木区, -农业用地(耕地和牧场), -用于园艺的区域(包括家庭花园、分配),以及 -用于特殊作物种植、果园、葡萄园、商业种植园和森林等的区域。 适用于 -实地土壤调查和评估,以及 -在实验室中收集土壤和土壤材料的化学、地球化学、物理和生物特征样品。 本文件规定了在样品预处理前(e。 g、 干燥、研磨)。它将与ISO 18400系列的其他部分一起使用。应特别注意ISO 18400-206中有关生物功能评估土壤收集、处理和储存的要求。 注1:地下水和地表水可能受到硝酸盐和杀虫剂等农业和相关活动以及土壤颗粒迁移的不利影响。反过来,有关水质的知识可以提供有关地下水污染或污染径流可能来源的信息。地下水和地表水质量调查不在本文件范围内;ISO 5667系列标准中给出了相关指南。 ISO 15175提供了土壤性质和地下水质量之间关系的指南。 注2:根据初步调查结果,调查环境空气、植被、饮用水供应和各种其他介质也是合适的。
This document provides guidance on the sampling of soils of — natural and near-natural sites, — natural arboreal areas including forests and woods, — areas used for agriculture (arable and pasture sites), — areas used for horticulture (including domestic gardens, allotments), and — areas used for special crop-cultivation, orchards, vineyards, commercial plantations and forests, etc. It is applicable to — soil investigations and evaluations in the field, and — collection of samples for chemical, geochemical, physical, and biological characterization of soil and soil materials in the laboratory. This document sets out appropriate strategies for the design of sampling programmes, field procedures and subsequent treatment of samples for transport and storage prior to sample pretreatment (e.g. drying, milling). It is intended to be used in conjunction with the other parts of the ISO 18400 series. Attention is, in particular, drawn to the requirements concerning collection, handling and storage of soil for assessment of biological functions in ISO 18400-206. NOTE 1 Groundwater and surface water can be adversely impacted by agricultural and related activities, such as nitrates and pesticides, and by translocation of soil particles. In turn, knowledge about water quality can provide information about possible sources of groundwater contamination or contaminating run-off. Investigation of groundwater and surface water quality is outside of the scope of this document; relevant guidance is given in the ISO 5667 series of standards. ISO 15175 provides guidance on the relationship between soil properties and groundwater quality. NOTE 2 It could also be appropriate to investigate ambient air, vegetation, potable water supplies and a variety of other media depending on the findings of the preliminary investigation.
归口单位: ISO/TC 190/SC 7