Introductory TextPRELIMINARY1.Citation, commencement and interpretation2.Appointed dayTRANSITIONAL AND SAVINGS PROVISIONCOMPULSORY TREATMENT ORDERS AND COMPULSION ORDERS3.Section 87A of the 2003 Act: further information where compulsory treatment order extended4.Section 153A of the 2003 Act: further information on extension of compulsion orderEMERGENCY AND SHORT-TERM DETENTION5.Emergency detention in hospital: exclusion for patients where section 113(5) of the 2003 Act applies6.Section 46 of the 2003 Act: notification by hospital managersSUSPENSION OF ORDERS AND MEASURES7.Section 43 of the 2003 Act: suspension of orders during emergency detention8.Section 56 of the 2003 Act: suspension of orders during short-term detention9.Section 10 of the Act: suspension of detention and other measuresREMOVAL AND DETENTION OF PATIENTS10.Section 295A of the 2003 Act: notification of decisions under section 293 or 29511.Section 299 of the 2003 Act: nurse’s power to detain pending medical examinationPERIODICAL REFERRAL OF CASES12.Periodical referral of cases: amendments made by section 21 of the ActNAMED PERSONS13.Named persons in respect of patients subject to relevant orders: savings and cessation14.Named persons acting under article 13(2): review of relevant order after 30th September 201715.Named persons: declaration in relation to a named person acting under article 1316.Appointment of named persons: amendments made by section 23 of the ActARRANGEMENTS FOR TREATMENT OF PRISONERS17.Compulsory treatment of prisoners: amendments made by section 35 of the ActPROVISION OF INFORMATION BY THE COMMISSION18.Provision of information by the Commission: amendments made by section 36 of the ActCRIMINAL CASES19.Periods for assessment orders: amendments made by section 40 of the Act20.Periods for treatment orders: amendments made by section 41 of the Act21.Periods for short-term compulsion: amendments made by section 42 of the Act22.Periods for compulsion orders: amendments made by section 43 of the Act23.Periods for hospital directions: amendments made by section 44 of the Act24.Consequential repeals: section 49 of the Act25.Effect of revocation of restriction order: amendments made by section 52 of the ActSignatureSCHEDULEExplanatory NoteNote as to Earlier Commencement Orders