Pneumatic fluid power. Cylinders with detachable mountings, 1 000 kPa (10 bar) series, bores from 32 mm to 320 mm. Basic, mounting and accessories dimensions
气动流体动力 1000千帕(10巴)系列带可拆卸安装件的气缸 孔从32毫米到320毫米 基本尺寸、安装尺寸和附件尺寸
BS ISO 15552:2018 establishes a metric series of basic, mounting and accessories dimensions as required for
interchangeability of single or double rod pneumatic cylinders with or without provision for magnetic
sensors for a maximum rated pressure of 1 000 kPa (10 bar).It applies to pneumatic cylinders with detachable mountings.Cross References:ISO 5598ISO 3320ISO 4393ISO 16030ISO 4395ISO 273ISO 6099All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.