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现行 ASM Cu-318
ANACONDA ALLOY 1870 - Deoxidized Leaded Copper ANACONDA合金1870-脱氧铅铜
发布日期: 1976-09-01
查看样本合金摘要数据表(PDF)自1952年以来,合金摘要一直是世界各地使用的金属和合金材料性能数据的主要参考。以图表、图表和表格为特色,这些表格给出了有关成分或特性、物理和机械性能、热处理和可加工性的事实和数字。ANACONDA合金1870是一种易切削的高导电铜。它是一种脱氧铜,加入铅后具有易切削性能。1870合金的各种特殊性能使其适用于制造由杆加工而成的零件的许多应用,也适用于在常温下使用的载流螺柱、螺母和螺栓。 因为它是脱氧的,所以如果在还原性气氛中加热,它不易发生氢脆。
View Sample Alloy Digest Data Sheet (PDF)Since 1952, Alloy Digest has been the leading reference for materials property data on metals and alloys used throughout the world. Featuring graphs, charts and tables, these sheets give facts and figures on composition or characterization, physical and mechanical properties, heat treatment, and machinability.ANACONDA Alloy 1870 is a free-cutting high-conductivity copper. It is a deoxidized copper with lead added to impart free-cutting properties. The various and unusual properties of Alloy 1870 make it suitable for many applications in the manufacture of parts machined from rods and for current-carrying studs, nuts and bolts designed for use at normal temperatures. Because it is deoxidized, it is not susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement if heated in a reducing atmosphere.