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现行 ASTM E2951-13(2020)e1
Standard Guide for Community Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities 残疾人社区应急准备标准指南
发布日期: 2020-11-01
1.1 本指南旨在供具有管辖权的机构(AHJ)使用,以启动准备工作,解决残疾社区在过去紧急情况中面临的问题,并将其与帮助社区提高生存机会的方法系统地结合起来。 1.2 本指南并非旨在解决应急准备所需的所有要素。本指南的用户(AHJ)有责任制定适用的协议、程序、系统和其他方式,以支持残疾人的健康、安全和福祉。 1.3 本指南旨在为适用的协议、程序、系统和其他机制提供模板,以促进残疾人在地方“准备”工作中的综合方法。它旨在补充当地应急响应者、应急管理机构(EMA)和应急管理办公室(OEM)针对残疾人的规划和准备工作。 1.4 本指南无意取代或取代现有的联邦、部落、州或地方政策、法规、法律或标准,或任何其他实体(如美国国家消防协会)制定的标准和指南。 1.5 本指南适用于AHJ,无论是政府机构、非营利组织、私人组织还是参与残疾人准备规划的其他实体。 1.6 本指南承认,《残疾人法案》涉及与残疾人获得和护理相关的所有服务和设施,包括与紧急情况相关的服务和设施。它还认识到,《斯塔福德法案》和《卡特里娜飓风后应急管理改革法案》以及联邦、州和地方民权法律,要求残疾人在应急计划、服务和活动中融入、包容、协调和不隔离。 1.7 本指南旨在帮助参与残疾人应急准备的人员,以帮助他们更好地理解无障碍和机会均等的概念,包括警报和通知、疏散、庇护所管理等重要领域。 事件之前、期间和之后。 1.8 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.9 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 本指南为地方或区域监管当局在处理居住在其责任或管辖范围内的残疾人时提供了建议。它提供了可以支持制定程序和协议的信息,以应对紧急情况对残疾人的影响,并包括针对以下行动的建议: 4.1.1 通知- 向公众发出未决紧急情况的警报和警告,以及为确保残疾人能够接收信息而可能需要的任何其他规定。 4.1.2 通信- 向社区传播信息,包括向残疾人提供信息,使他们能够接受和回应。 4.1.3 准备- 确保社区了解紧急情况中固有的风险和危险以及个人规划的必要性。 4.1.4 行动和缓解- 紧急情况迫在眉睫时应采取的措施,并提前规划如何将其对社区的影响降至最低。 4.1.5 疏散- 迁移到安全区域以避免或减少与紧急情况相关的风险的过程。通常,疏散行动由当地应急管理官员发起或建议。 4.1.6 运输- 交通适用于在紧急情况发生之前或期间需要疏散或重新安置的所有人员。 这可能包括他或她自己的交通工具,通过邻居、可以提供帮助的志愿者,或可以在紧急情况下使用的公共交通工具。 4.1.7 住宿- 当地公民在紧急情况下可以使用的指定中心或庇护所,以及为满足残疾人需求而制定的任何额外规定。 4.1.8 重新安置- 在紧急情况发生之前和期间,居民可以疏散到的设施。如果居民的家位于不安全区域或不再适合居住,它还可以为活动后的居民提供临时住宿。 4.1.9 恢复- 紧急情况后恢复正常。 4.2 监管当局应为原始设备制造商指派一名人员,负责协调和以其他方式实施残疾人协议和程序。该人员应被确定为OEM残疾协调员。分配给协调员的职能应包括: 4.2.1 建立并领导一个志愿者团队,该团队接受过帮助残疾人的培训,能够支持他们融入规划和准备过程。 4.2.2 成立一个由残疾志愿者组成的小组,作为主题专家小组,就紧急情况下与残疾人有关的问题提供咨询和指导。 4.2.3 与其他司法管辖区签订协议、契约、合同或其他具有约束力的文件,以便在紧急情况发生之前、期间或之后,在处理残疾人问题时提供互助或协助。 4.2.4 以下关键问题应由专门从事特定领域的团队解决。然而,由于人员配备的限制,原始设备制造商可能没有确定所列单个团队数量所需的必要资源。在这些情况下,OEM应该共同努力,创建更少的团队,但同时确保尽可能全面地覆盖不同的领域。OEM还应考虑呼吁社会服务机构在人员限制阻止OEM这样做的情况下提供一些支持。 推荐团队如下: 警报和通知团队- 警报和通知小组将与参与当地事件指挥、公共信息传播的官员和应急指挥链中的其他适当工作人员密切协调,协助: (1) 向残疾人发出待命紧急情况的警报和通知。通信应包括以下信息:( 一 )评估对残疾人的危害和危险;( b )流动风险;( c )预期应急响应活动和时间表;( d )为公众提供的疏散和避难设施,以及关于这些设施如何满足残疾人需求的信息;和( e )残疾人未决紧急情况类型的预期脆弱性。 (2) 协助当地应急管理官员提供“召回”程序,该程序可以立即启动,以通知社区即将发生的紧急情况。 这种取消程序将考虑各种媒体,如电话、电视、广播或其他适当手段。它将与其他提醒媒体和消息协同工作。 (3) 提前准备好有关各种类型残疾人的危险和危险的适当信息和传递方式。 (4) 定期测试并随机执行警报和通知程序。 通信团队- 作为警报和通知流程的一个重要组成部分,为了促进初始和持续的沟通,该团队将由精通残疾人各种沟通方法的志愿者组成,以便在紧急情况发生之前和期间尽快与他们沟通。沟通团队领导应关注以下行动和活动: (1) 确定并招募具备手语和口译、转录服务资质的员工和志愿者,以及能够将文件转换为盲文、大号印刷体和电子格式的供应商。 (2) 采取措施确保所有适当的团队成员在使用适当的应急通信方面得到培训和经验。 (3) 确保911、311和其他呼叫站配备TTY/TTD或等效计算机。 (4) 在操作程序中包括政策声明和程序,说明护理人员和响应者如何确保与视力或听力受损、语言或其他限制的人进行有效沟通。 (5) 确保整个团队配备通信设备,以便聋哑人或重听人或有类似障碍的人能够进行通信。 (6) 提供支持通信所需的辅助工具和能力,包括笔和纸、手语口译员,以及为聋哑人、聋哑人、听力障碍者或言语障碍者提供的口译辅助工具。那些盲人、聋哑人、视力低下、认知或智力残疾的人可能需要大字印刷的信息或人来帮助他们。 前期准备团队- 该团队的中心重点是组织对残疾人的支持。这将包括为那些流动的人以及那些被限制在家里或机构(如独立生活中心)的人提供计划和准备。这项志愿支持工作可能包括一名个人提供初步援助,以及一名护理人员酌情提供更全面的援助。 (1) 先期准备团队必须认识到,残疾人有各种通道和功能需求,包括对助行器的需求、药物的需求、对便携式医疗设备的需求、对服务动物的依赖或各种个人援助服务。 (2) 提前准备小组应确保其成员知道如何为残疾人采取必要的缓解措施,同时也使自己远离危险。 (3) 提前准备团队应确保残疾人从应急计划、服务和活动中获得与非残疾人相同的利益。团队应鼓励应急规划,重点是个人和社区准备、危机恢复和补救。它应强调整个社区、包容性、融合、维护尊严和独立,为残疾人提供与在灾害发生之前、期间和之后为非残疾人提供的选择相同的选择。 (4) 提前准备小组应创建并维护一份清单,列出所有护理人员和其他志愿者,他们可以在紧急情况下团结起来帮助残疾人。 行动缓解团队- 该团队应努力确保在紧急情况发生之前确定并执行缓解措施,以尽量减少对残疾人的影响。 团队应与社区、急救人员、执法人员和护理人员合作,确定需要采取哪些行动来帮助减轻事件的有害影响。 疏散小组- 在紧急情况发生之前,疏散小组应协助敦促所有公民,特别是残疾人,因可能出现的危险而重新安置。在此过程中,该小组还将协助当地急救人员和执法人员确保当地公民了解疏散命令和程序。 (1) 该团队应协助执法人员和其他专业人员在家里、营业场所或其他可能的地方联系残疾人,以鼓励他们遵守疏散令。 (2) 团队应与交通团队负责人和团队志愿者协调,分配和装载车辆,将残疾人运送到适当的疏散中心或地点。 运输团队- 在发生灾害或紧急情况之前,交通小组应与当地应急官员合作,负责确保将残疾人运送到更安全的地方,如庇护所,或在事件发生后,运送到他们可以获得必要护理和支持的临时地点。 (1) 团队应保留一份清单,并与拥有可运输一名或多名残疾乘客的车辆的人员签订协议。当灾难或紧急情况发生或预计发生时,应“随时待命”。 (2) 该团队应获得紧急支持,并酌情与所有可用于运送残疾人的公交车和车辆来源签订互助协议。 (3) 团队应确保将用于运送残疾人的驾驶员在第一反应者类别中注册,并已接受任何必要的培训和测试(见 7.1.5 ). 住宿团队- 该团队也可被称为“收容所团队”,应确保一个综合的搬迁环境,包括短期和长期收容所、信息接收、处理和必需品等服务,以使残疾人与支持系统保持联系。团队应关注以下项目: (1) 睡眠和治疗安排,包括残疾“用户友好型”床或尺寸适当的带有隐私屏幕的床,饮食安排,包括罐装或盒装食物,适当的饮食饮料,以及存储、准备、收集和处理设备。 (2) 确定并建立适当的公共疏散中心,为残疾人提供充足的住宿,包括与行动、处方药、步行、饮食和卫生设施和设备相关的需求。如果没有固定的或其他适当的庇护所,使用移动庇护所资源(如果当地可用)可能是一个合适的替代方案。 (3) 保存所有公共或其他潜在疏散地点的记录,以支持残疾人。 搬迁团队- 该团队应由志愿者组成,准备为残疾人提供以下服务: (1) 如果可能的话,提前确定一份清单,列出在紧急情况发生后更为永久性地安置流离失所者的可能地点。 (2) 为流离失所者提供咨询服务,帮助他们应对失去家园、家人、朋友、宠物、邻居、社区和专业资源的情况。 (3) 协助联系现有或新的医疗保健专业人员,并提供获取药品和其他药品需求的手段。 (4) 向长期流离失所的人提供援助,安排联系专业法律、金融或其他机构,如保险供应商。 (5) 在早期规划重建家园或企业或搬迁到其他地方时提供帮助。 (6) 协助在其搬迁设施附近的地点购买必需品。 (7) 与能够提供社交、娱乐和治疗机会的人员和志愿者合作,包括将流离失所者与宗教领袖和教会、治疗师、护理人员和其他支持人员联系起来。 (8) 与当地学区人员、志愿者、高等教育人员和其他教育工作者合作,以可能对职业有益的方式为流离失所者提供咨询和教学。 (9) 与当地搬运和储存公司安排“打捞”和保护来自流离失所者家园和企业的物品。 恢复团队- 该团队也可能被确定为“过渡团队”,应由志愿者组成,他们将帮助残疾人适应岗位- 应急环境。这可能包括: (1) 协助寻找和建立新的护理人员、家庭辅助设备和其他支持人员,以监测残疾人在其前家或新家中的情况。 (2) 让残疾人熟悉新的环境、交通方式、银行设施、购物、礼拜堂和其他日常生活活动。
1.1 This guide is intended to be used by an Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to initiate preparedness efforts that address issues that the disability community have faced in past emergencies and systematically coupling them with methodologies that will help communities enhance their chances for survival. 1.2 This guide does not purport to address all of the elements necessary to prepare for an emergency. It is the responsibility of the user (AHJ) of this guide to establish applicable protocols, procedures, systems, and other means to support the health, safety, and well being of persons with disabilities. 1.3 This guide is intended to provide templates for applicable protocols, procedures, systems, and other mechanisms to promote an integrated approach in local “preparedness” efforts for persons with disabilities. It is intended to complement the planning and preparedness efforts of local emergency responders—Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs) and Offices of Emergency Management (OEM)—for persons with disabilities. 1.4 This guide is not intended to supersede or replace extant Federal, Tribal, State, or local policies, regulations, laws, or criteria, or standards and guides produced by any other entity, such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 1.5 This guide is intended for an AHJ, whether a governmental agency, non-profit, private organization, or other entity involved in the preparedness planning for persons with disabilities. 1.6 This guide recognizes that the ADA addresses all services and facilities pertinent to the access and care of persons with disabilities, including those associated with emergencies. It also recognizes that the Stafford Act and Post Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act, along with Federal, State, and Local Civil Rights Laws, mandate integration, inclusion, coordination, and non-segregation for people with disabilities in emergency programs, services, and activities. 1.7 This guide is intended to assist those involved in emergency preparedness for persons with disabilities in order to help them better understand the concepts of accessibility and equal opportunity in such important areas as alert and notification, evacuation, shelter management, etc., before, during, and after an event. 1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.9 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 This guide provides recommendations for the local or regional AHJ to use in dealing with persons with disabilities who reside within their area of responsibility or jurisdiction. It provides information that can support development of procedures and protocols in preparing for the impact of emergencies on persons with disabilities, and it includes recommendations addressing such actions as: 4.1.1 Notification— Alerts and warnings for the general public of a pending emergency, and any additional provisions that may be necessary to assure that persons with disabilities are able to receive the message(s). 4.1.2 Communications— Information dissemination to the community, including provisions for persons with disabilities so that they are able to receive and respond. 4.1.3 Preparation— Ensuring that the community knows about the risks and dangers inherent in emergencies and the necessity for personal planning. 4.1.4 Action and Mitigation— Steps that should be taken when an emergency becomes imminent, and planning in advance how to minimize its impact on the community. 4.1.5 Evacuation— The process of relocating to a safer area to avoid or lessen the risks associated with an emergency. Generally, evacuation actions are initiated or recommended by local emergency management officials. 4.1.6 Transportation— Transportation applies to all persons who need to evacuate or relocate in advance of or during an emergency. It may include transportation on his or her own, through a neighbor, a volunteer who can assist, or public conveyances that can be used in an emergency. 4.1.7 Accommodation— Designated centers or shelters that the local citizens can use in an emergency, and any additional provisions that are made for addressing the needs of those with disabilities. 4.1.8 Relocation— Facilities where residents can evacuate to before and during an emergency. It may also provide temporary lodging for residents following an event if their homes are in an unsafe area or no longer habitable. 4.1.9 Restoration— The resumption of normalcy following an emergency. 4.2 The AHJ should assign a person to the OEM with responsibility for coordinating and otherwise implementing protocols and procedures for persons with disabilities. This individual should be identified as the OEM Disabilities Coordinator. The functions assigned to the Coordinator should include: 4.2.1 Establishing and leading a team of volunteers who are trained in assisting persons with disabilities, and who can support their integration into the planning and preparedness process. 4.2.2 Establishing a small team of volunteers with disabilities to serve as a panel or group of subject matter experts to provide advice and guidance on issues surrounding persons with disabilities in emergency situations. 4.2.3 Establishing an agreement, pact, contract, or other binding document with other jurisdictions to provide mutual aid or assistance in dealing with persons with disabilities should it become necessary before, during, or following an emergency. 4.2.4 The following key concerns should be addressed by individual teams dedicated to the specific areas indicated. However, due to staffing limitations, OEMs may not have the necessary resources needed to establish the number of individual teams listed. In those instances, the OEM should combine efforts, creating fewer teams, but at the same time making sure that the different areas are covered as fully as possible. The OEM should also consider calling upon social service agencies to provide some of the support in those instances when staffing limitations prevent OEM from doing so. The recommended teams are listed below: Alert and Notification Team— Working in close coordination with officials involved in local incident command, public information dissemination and other appropriate staff in the emergency response chain of command, the Alert and Notification Team would assist in: (1) Alert and notification for persons with disabilities of a pending emergency. Communications should include such information as ( a ) Assessment of hazards and dangers to persons with disabilities; ( b ) Mobility risks; ( c ) Anticipated emergency response activities and timeline; ( d ) Evacuation and sheltering accommodations for the general public and information on how well they are equipped for the needs of those with disabilities; and ( e ) Anticipated vulnerabilities for the type of pending emergency for persons with disabilities. (2) Assisting local emergency management officials in providing a “call down” procedure that can be immediately activated to notify the community of a pending emergency. This call down procedure would consider various media such as telephone, television, radio, or other appropriate means. It would work in concert with other alerting media and messaging. (3) Prepare, in advance, appropriate messages and delivery means regarding hazards and dangers for the various types of disabilities. (4) Periodically test and randomly implement the alert and notification procedure. Communications Team— As an essential element of the alert and notification process, and to facilitate initial and ongoing communications, this team would consist of volunteers well versed in the various communications methods for persons with disabilities in order to communicate with them as quickly as possible before and during an emergency. The Communications Team leadership should focus on the following actions and activities: (1) Identifying and recruiting staff and volunteers qualified in sign language and interpreting, transcription services, and vendors that can convert documents into Braille, large print type, and electronic formats. (2) Taking steps to ensure that all appropriate team members are trained and experienced in the use of appropriate emergency communications. (3) Ensure that 911, 311, and other call stations are equipped with a TTY/TTD or computer equivalent. (4) Including in the operations procedures a policy statement and procedures on how caregivers and responders can ensure effective communications with persons having sight or hearing impairment, language, or other limitations. (5) Assuring that the entire team is equipped with communications devices so that persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who have similar impairments, can communicate. (6) Providing auxiliary aids and capabilities needed to support communications, including pen and paper, sign language interpreters, and interpretation aids for persons who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, or have speech impairments. Those individuals who are blind, deaf-blind, have low vision, or have cognitive or intellectual disabilities may need large print information or people to assist them. Advance Preparations Team— The central focus of this team would be to organize support for persons with disabilities. This would include providing plans and preparations for those who are mobile as well as those who are confined to their home or an institution, such as an independent living center. This volunteer support effort may include an individual to provide initial assistance and a caregiver to render more comprehensive aid as appropriate. (1) The Advance Preparations Team must recognize that persons with disabilities have a variety of access and functional requirements, including the need for mobility aids, requirements for medication, the need for portable medical equipment, dependence on service animals or various personal assistance services. (2) The Advance Preparations Team should make sure that its members know how to take the necessary mitigating actions for those with disabilities while also removing themselves from danger. (3) The Advance Preparations Team should ensure that those with disabilities receive the same benefits from emergency programs, services, and activities as those not having disabilities. The team should encourage emergency planning that focuses on both individual and community preparation, crisis recovery, and remediation. It should emphasize whole community, inclusiveness, integration, preservation of dignity, and independence by providing the same choices for persons with disabilities as those provided for persons without disabilities before, during, and after a disaster. (4) The Advance Preparations Team should create and maintain a list of all caregivers and other volunteers who could rally to the aid of persons with disabilities to assist them in the event of an emergency. Action Mitigation Team— This team should work to ensure that mitigating actions are identified and executed in advance of an emergency in order to minimize the effect on persons with disabilities. The team should work with communities, first responders, law enforcement, and caregivers to identify those actions that need to be taken to help mitigate the harmful effects of the event. Evacuation Team— Before an emergency occurs, the Evacuation Team should assist in urging all citizens, and in particular those with disabilities, to relocate because of the dangers that may be forthcoming. In doing so, the team would also assist local first responders and law enforcement personnel in making sure that the local citizens were made aware of evacuation orders and procedures. (1) The team should assist law enforcement and other professional personnel in contacting persons with disabilities at home, at their place of business, or other places they may be to encourage adherence to evacuation orders. (2) The team should coordinate with the Transportation Team leader and the team’s volunteers in assigning and loading vehicles to transport persons with disabilities to the appropriate evacuation center or location. Transportation Team— In advance of a disaster or emergency, and working with local emergency response officials, the Transportation Team should be responsible for assuring that persons with disabilities are transported to a safer location such as a shelter or, after an event, to temporary locations where they can receive the necessary care and support. (1) The team should maintain a list and have agreements in place with persons owning vehicles that can transport one or more passengers with disabilities. Those identified should be “on call” when a disaster or emergency strikes or is anticipated. (2) The team should have emergency support and, as appropriate, mutual aid agreements in place with all sources of buses and vehicles that can be used in transporting persons with disabilities. (3) The team should assure that drivers who will be used to transport persons with disabilities are registered in a first responder category and have taken any required training and tests (see 7.1.5 ). Accommodation Team— This team, which may also be identified as a “shelter team,” should ensure an integrated relocation environment consisting of services such as short and long term sheltering, information intake, processing, and necessities to keep persons with disabilities connected with support systems. The team should focus on items such as: (1) Sleeping and treatment arrangements that would include disability “user friendly” cots or beds appropriately sized with privacy screens, eating arrangements including canned or boxed meals, appropriate dietary beverages plus storage, preparation, collecting, and disposing equipment. (2) Identifying and establishing the appropriate public evacuation centers that provide adequate accommodations for persons with disabilities, including needs related to mobility, prescription medication, ambulation, and eating and hygiene facilities and equipment. The use of mobile shelter resources, if locally available, may be a suitable alternative if stationary or other adequate shelters are not available. (3) Maintaining a record of all public or other potential evacuation locations equipped to support those with disabilities. Relocation Team— This team, which should consist of volunteers, would be prepared to implement the following services for people with disabilities: (1) Identify, in advance if possible, a list of possible sites for displaced persons to be relocated to on a more permanent basis following an emergency. (2) Provide counseling services to those displaced on how to cope with the loss of their home, family, friends, pets, neighbors, the community, and professional resources. (3) Provide assistance in contacting existing or new medical and health care professionals, and with a means for obtaining medicine and other pharmaceutical needs. (4) Provide assistance to those persons displaced for an extended period in making arrangements to contact professional legal, financial, or other institutions such as insurance providers. (5) Provide assistance in early planning for rebuilding their homes or businesses or relocating elsewhere. (6) Assist in shopping for necessities in locations of close proximity to their relocation facility. (7) Work with personnel and volunteers that can assist with social, recreational, and therapeutic opportunities, including aligning displaced persons with faith leaders and congregations, therapists, caregivers, and other support individuals. (8) Work with local school district personnel, volunteers, higher education personnel, and other educators in counseling and teaching displaced persons in ways that might be vocationally beneficial. (9) Arrange with local moving and storage companies “salvaging” and protection of items from the displaced persons’ homes and businesses. Restoration Team— This team, also identified possibly as a “transition team,” should consist of volunteers who would assist persons with disabilities in adjusting to the post-emergency environment. This could include: (1) Providing assistance in locating and establishing new caregivers, home aids, and other support individuals to monitor persons with disabilities in their former home or at their new location. (2) Acquainting persons with disabilities with new surroundings, methods of transportation, banking facilities, shopping, houses of worship, and other daily living activities.
归口单位: E54.02