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现行 RP-949
Performance Evaluation and Development of Design Guidelines for Displacement Ventilation 置换通风的性能评估和设计指南的制定
在美国,置换通风的应用有限,通风要求和热负荷特性可能不同。与混合通风相比,置换通风可以在环境舒适的建筑中提供更好的室内空气质量和能源性能,但置换系统的应用有限,并且没有适用于美国建筑的设计指南。执业工程师没有明确的指导方针,没有足够的性能、能源和成本数据作为此类系统设计的基础。本研究项目的目标是为美国建筑和气候中的置换通风提供设计指南,以使该技术得到更广泛的应用。将进行广泛的文献回顾,以准确评估传统置换通风系统设计指南的最新水平。将进行实验测量和计算机模拟,以研究该系统在美国的性能。 美国的建筑。将开发一种简化的分析方法,以提供更多信息。与传统的高架混合式通风系统相比,将对系统的设计、安装和运行进行能源和成本分析。将为该系统在美国的应用制定一套设计指南。主要研究者:陈清燕博士,麻省理工学院主持:1996年9月至1998年10月赞助:TC 5.3,室内空气分配
There have been limited applications of displacement ventilation in the U.S., where ventilation requirements and heat load characteristics may be different. Displacement ventilation may provide better indoor air quality and energy performance in buildings with a comfortable environment compared with mixing ventilation, but the displacement system has limited application and no suitable design guidelines for U.S. buildings. Practicing engineers do not have clear guidelines with adequate performance, energy and cost data on which to base their design of such systems.The objective of this research project is to make available design guidelines for displacement ventilation in U.S. buildings and climates to allow this technology to be more widely used. An extensive literature review will be made to accurately assess the state-of-the-art of the design guidelines for traditional displacement ventilation systems. Experimental measurements and computer simulations will be carried out to study the system performance in U.S. buildings. A simplified analytical method will be developed to provide more information. Energy and cost analysis of designing, installing and operating the systems will be made in comparison to conventional overhead mixing-type ventilation systems. A set of design guidelines for the application of the system in the U.S. will be developed.Principal Investigator: Dr. Qingyan Chen, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyConducted: September 1996 - October 1998Sponsored by: TC 5.3, Room Air Distribution
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类