Information technology. Document description and processing languages. Minimum requirements for specifying document rendering systems
信息技术 文档描述和处理语言 指定文档呈现系统的最低要求
Cross References:ISO/IEC 2022ISO 6429ISO/IEC 6937ISO/IEC 8859-1ISO/IEC 8859-6:1999ISO/IEC 9541-1ISO/IEC 10036ISO/IEC 10179ISO/IEC 10180ISO/IEC 10918-1ISO 12642-1ISO/IEC 14496-22ISO 15930-1ISO 19005-1ISO/IEC TR 19758IEC 61966-2-1IEC 61966-2-2JIS X 4051All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.