BS EN 60404-5:2015 is to define the method of measurement of the
magnetic flux density, magnetic polarization and the magnetic field strength and also to
determine the demagnetization curve and recoil line of permanent magnet materials, such as
those specified in lEC 60404-8-1 [1] 1, the properties of which are presumed homogeneous
throughout their volume.The performance of a magnetic system is not only dependent on the properties of the
permanent magnet material but also on the dimensions of the system, the air-gap and other
elements of the magnetic circuit. The methods described in this part of IEC 60404 refer to the
measurement of the magnetic properties in a closed magnetic circuit.Cross References:IEC 60050IEC 60404-8-1EN 60404-8-1IEC TR 62517IEC TR 61807IEC TR 62331All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.