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现行 ASTM F1765-97a(2022)
Standard Guide for Ice Staff Self-Rescue Technique Ice工作人员自救技术标准指南
发布日期: 2022-08-01
1.1 本指南描述了利用冰上工作人员在冰上进行自救的技术。 1.2 本指南是冰上救援人员自救技术系列之一。 1.3 将在冷水或冰上救援环境中作业的人员需要了解必要的设备和身体要求,以便能够在该环境中执行所有确定的目标和必要的技能。 1.4 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ===意义和用途====== 3.1 本指南建立了使用ice工作人员作为冰上自救技术的推荐程序。 3.2 所有被确定为冰上救援人员的人员应符合本指南的要求。 3.3 本指南将帮助政府机构;州、地方或区域组织;消防部门;救援队;以及其他负责为应对ice紧急情况的人员制定最低绩效的人员。 3.4 本指南不打算单独使用,而是作为一个组件指南,承认应对冷水和冰紧急情况所需的许多技能和技术。 3.5 冰上救援人员应穿着潜水服、带PFD的干衣或同等冷水保护和浮力,以执行这些救援。 3.6 冰救援人员应携带一套冰锥和冰杖作为备用技术。
1.1 This guide describes the self-rescue technique on ice utilizing an ice staff. 1.2 This guide is one in a series of self-rescue techniques for the ice rescuer. 1.3 Individuals who will operate in the cold water or ice rescue setting need to be aware of the equipment and physical requirements necessary to be able to perform all identified objectives and necessary skills in the setting. 1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 3.1 This guide establishes a recommended procedure for utilizing an ice staff as a self-rescue technique on ice. 3.2 All persons who are identified as ice rescuers shall meet the requirements of this guide. 3.3 This guide will assist government agencies; state, local, or regional organizations; fire departments; rescue teams; and others who are responsible for establishing a minimum performance for personnel who respond to ice emergencies. 3.4 This guide is not intended to be used in isolation, but as a component guide acknowledging many skills and techniques needed to respond at a cold water and ice emergency. 3.5 An ice rescuer shall be wearing an immersion suit, drysuit with PFD, or equivalent cold water protection and buoyancy to perform these rescues. 3.6 An ice rescuer shall carry a set of ice awls along with the ice staff as a backup technique.
归口单位: F32.02