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现行 ISO 11117:2019
Gas cylinders — Valve protection caps and guards — Design, construction and tests 气瓶阀门保护帽和防护罩设计、结构和试验
发布日期: 2019-11-15
本文件规定了液化、溶解或压缩气体钢瓶上使用的阀门保护帽和阀门防护罩的要求。 阀门保护帽和阀门防护罩是可用于保护钢瓶阀门的一些选项,包括运输过程中带有整体式压力调节器(VIPRs)的阀门。 本文件适用于本质上为钢瓶阀门提供主要保护的阀门保护帽和阀门防护罩。它还可用于测试连接到气瓶包装上的其他设备(例如,搬运设备),即使在气瓶阀门本身能够承受损坏而不释放内容物的情况下也是如此。 本文件不包括水容量小于等于5 l的气瓶的保护装置,以及通过焊接或钎焊到气瓶上的凸耳固定保护装置,或直接焊接或钎焊到气瓶上的气瓶。本文件不包括呼吸器钢瓶的阀门保护。 注:小型气瓶(如医用气瓶)通常采用外包装(如托盘)运输,以符合运输法规。 本文件未规定使用阀门保护装置提升气瓶所需的要求。
This document specifies the requirements for valve protection caps and valve guards used on cylinders for liquefied, dissolved or compressed gases. Valve protection caps and valve guards are some of the options available to protect cylinder valves, including valves with integral pressure regulators (VIPRs) during transport. This document is applicable to valve protection caps and valve guards which inherently provide the primary protection of a cylinder valve. It can also be used to test other equipment (e.g., handling devices) attached to cylinder packages, even in cases where the cylinder valve is inherently able to withstand damage without release of the content. This document excludes protection devices for cylinders with a water capacity of 5 l or less and cylinders whereby the protection device is fixed by means of lugs welded or brazed to the cylinder, or is welded or brazed directly to the cylinder. This document does not cover valve protection for breathing apparatus cylinders. NOTE Small cylinders (e.g., medical cylinders) are commonly transported in an outer-packaging (e.g., pallet) to meet transport regulations. This document does not specify requirements that could be necessary to enable the valve protection device to be used for lifting the cylinder.
归口单位: ISO/TC 58/SC 2