Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for conductivity measurement of ion-conductive fine ceramics — Part 1: Oxide-ion-conducting solid electrolytes
ISO 11894-1:20 13描述了通过交流电的4端法(AC 4端法)测定氧化物离子传导性固体电解质的离子电导率的测试方法。
ISO 11894-1:20 13适用于氧化物离子转移数高于0.99的固体电解质。适用的电导率范围应为1至1,000 S m?1.
ISO 11894-1:2013 describes a test method for the determination of ionic conductivity of oxide-ion-conducting solid electrolytes by the 4-terminal method with alternating current (AC 4-terminal method).
ISO 11894-1:2013 applies to solid electrolytes which have oxide ionic transference numbers higher than 0,99. The applicable conductivity range shall be 1 to 1,000 S m?1.
Values expressed in this International Standard are in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).