Ambient air quality. Measurement of bioaerosols-Determination of moulds using filter sampling systems and culture-based analyses
环境空气质量 生物气溶胶的测量 使用过滤取样系统和培养基分析测定霉菌
交叉引用:EN ISO 8199:2007ISO 8199:2005VDI 4252-2:2004VDI 4253-2:2004ISO 16000-16:2008ISO 16000-17:2008CEN/TS 16115-2ISO 7708:1995EN 14907:2005EN 13098:2000EN 779:2002EN 12341:1998VDI 2463-1982ISO 8199:2005EN ISO 20988:2007ISO 20988:2007EN ISO 17025ISO/IEC 17025:2005购买本文件时可提供的所有最新修订内容。
Cross References:EN ISO 8199:2007ISO 8199:2005VDI 4252-2:2004VDI 4253-2:2004ISO 16000-16:2008ISO 16000-17:2008CEN/TS 16115-2ISO 7708:1995EN 14907:2005EN 13098:2000EN 779:2002EN 12341:1998VDI 2463-7:1982VDI 2463-8:1982ISO 8199:2005EN ISO 20988:2007ISO 20988:2007EN ISO 17025ISO/IEC 17025:2005All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.