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现行 ISO 4869-3:2007
Acoustics — Hearing protectors — Part 3: Measurement of insertion loss of ear-muff type protectors using an acoustic test fixture 声学——听力保护器第3部分:用声学测试夹具测量耳罩型保护器的插入损耗
发布日期: 2007-06-26
ISO 4869-3:2007规定了使用声学测试夹具测量耳罩型听力保护器插入损耗的方法。本方法适用于作为型式认证或认证程序一部分的性能生产扩散调查,以及性能随时间变化的调查。其目的是确保根据ISO 4869-1提交用于衰减主观测试的耳罩听力保护器样品具有该类型的典型性能。 ISO 4869-3:2007中规定的方法不适用于型式认证的基本试验。通过该方法获得的性能数据并不表示耳朵的实际耳声衰减- 也不是耳罩提供的保护。
ISO 4869-3:2007 specifies a method for measuring the insertion loss of ear-muff type hearing protectors using an acoustic test fixture. The method is applicable to the investigation of production spreads of performance as part of type approval or certification procedures, and to the investigation of the change of performance with age. It is intended to ensure that ear-muff hearing protector samples submitted for subjective testing of attenuation according to ISO 4869-1 have performances typical of the type. The method specified in ISO 4869-3:2007 is not applicable as the basic test for type approval. Performance data obtained by this method are not intended to be quoted as representing the real-ear sound attenuation of an ear-muff, nor the protection provided by the ear-muff.
归口单位: ISO/TC 43/SC 1