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现行 ISO 23466:2020
Design criteria for the thermal insulation of reactor coolant system main equipments and piping of PWR nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂反应堆冷却剂系统主要设备和管道绝热设计准则
发布日期: 2020-10-22
本文件规定了反应堆冷却剂系统(RCS)设备和管道隔热设计的基本要求。 在各种RCS设备和管道的隔热中,根据常见的设计逻辑和要求,详细描述了以下两种隔热: -反应堆压力容器(RPV)的隔热; -RCS管道和其他设备的隔热。 本文件适用于两种类型的隔热: -金属隔热; -非金属隔热。 本文件主要适用于带压水堆(PWR)的核电厂。对于其他类型的反应器,可参考本文件。
This document specifies the basic requirements of thermal insulation design of reactor coolant system (RCS) equipment and piping. Among thermal insulation of various RCS equipment and piping, the following two kinds of thermal insulations are described in detailed based on common design logic and requirements: — thermal insulation of reactor pressure vessel (RPV); — thermal insulation of RCS piping and other equipment. This document is valid for two types of thermal insulation: — metallic thermal insulation; — non-metallic thermal insulation. This document mainly applies to nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactor (PWR). For other reactor types, this document can be taken as reference.
归口单位: ISO/TC 85/SC 6