This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of a project by the Contra Costa Water District to: evaluate treatment efficacies of select
treatment technologies at pilot scale for
the removal of trace organic compounds, including
PPCPs, and
pesticides; and,
to evaluate subsequent formation of
regulated and unregulated disinfection
byproducts in a benchtop study. The experimental plan included a literature review and screening sampling, testing of treatment technologies, pilot setup and testing, Trains 1 and 2 - Ozonation and
Filtration (5 gpm); and, Train 3 - NF Membranes
(20 gpm). Summary and conclusions indicate the following:
research completed to understand the
effectiveness of existing treatment
processes and advanced (future)
technologies for trace organics;
trace organic compounds selected based
upon occurrence, previous studies, and
model representation;
pilot study completed to evaluate
ozone + BAF,
ozone/peroxide + BAF, and
NF; results show that ozone effectively removes
(e90%) most compounds at 1mg/L ozone dose;
lower ozone dose provides some removal of
trace organics;
ozone resistant compounds common to
previous studies;
ozone/peroxide did not provide additional
removal as compared to ozone alone; and,
NF effectively removed trace organics, but brine
must be treated/disposed. Includes tables, figures.