Photography and graphic technology — Extended colour encodings for digital image storage, manipulation and interchange — Part 3: Reference input medium metric RGB colour image encoding (RIMM RGB)
摄影和图形技术.数字图像存储、处理和交换用扩展彩色编码.第3部分:参考输入中等度量RGB彩色图像编码(RIMM RGB)
This document specifies a family of scene-referred extended colour gamut RGB colour image encodings designated as reference input medium metric RGB (RIMM RGB). Digital images encoded using RIMM RGB can be manipulated, stored, transmitted, displayed or printed by digital still picture imaging systems. Three precision levels are defined using 8-, 12- and 16-bits/channel.
An extended luminance dynamic range version of RIMM RGB is also defined, designated as extended reference input medium metric RGB (ERIMM RGB). Two precision levels of ERIMM RGB are defined using 12- and 16-bits/channel.
FP-RIMM RGB, a floating point version of RIMM RGB, defines the expression method of RIMM RGB in a floating point figure. Three precision levels of FP-RIMM RGB are defined using 16-, 32- and 64-bits/channel.