Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 4: Specific requirements for loadbearing vertical separating elements
ISO 834的本部分规定了确定承重结构耐火性应遵循的程序
适用于ISO 834本部分中给出的直接应用领域,或适用于扩展应用时
根据ISO/TR 12470进行分析。由于ISO/TR 12470只给出了一般性指南,具体的
This part of ISO 834 specifies the procedures to be followed for determining the fire resistance of loadbearing
vertical separating elements when exposed to heating on one face.
The application of this test to other untested forms of construction is acceptable when the construction complies
with the direct field of application as given in this part of ISO 834 or when subjected to an extended application
analysis in accordance with ISO/TR 12470. Since ISO/TR 12470 gives only general guidelines, specific extended
application analyses are to be performed only by persons expert in fire-resistant constructions.