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现行 3901(RP-698)
Experimental Study of Temperature, Pressure, Humidity and/or Density Effects on Vane Anemometers 温度、压力、湿度和/或密度对叶片式风速计影响的实验研究
描述了在恒定变密度流中对三片叶片风速计进行的速度测量的实验研究。通过电子叶片式风速计、旋转叶片式风速计和偏转叶片式风速计,测量了流速随流动温度、压力和湿度的变化。这项研究的目的是测量密度变化对三台风速计进行的速度测量的影响,并确定可用的理论模型与实验数据产生的修正之间的对应程度。发现结果表明,温度和压力对三台风速计获得的速度测量值有显著影响。一般来说,湿度的影响很小,。得出结论。得出的结论是,当温度、压力、湿度和/或密度的流量试验条件偏离标准值时,本文可作为修正常用叶片式风速计获得的速度测量值的参考。 关键词:1995年,风速计,实验,测量,精度,温度,压力,湿度,空气流量,比较引文:ASHRAE Trans。1995年,第101卷,第2部分,论文编号3901(RP-698),240-251,图10,表2,参考文献。
Describes experimental investigations of velocity measurements performed on three vane anemometers in steady variable-density flows. Measurements of velocity variations as a function of flow temperature, pressure and humidity were collected by an electronic vane anemometer, a rotating vane anemometer and a deflecting vane anemometer. The study aimed to measure the effects of density changes on velocity measurements taken by the three anemometers and determining how well the available theoretical models correspond to the corrections produced by the experimental data. Finds the results indicate significant effects of temperature and pressure on the velocity measurements acquired by the three anemometers.In general the humidity effects are small,. Draws conclusions. Concludes that the paper may serve as a reference on the correction of velocity measurements acquired by commonly used vane anemometers where flow test conditions of temperature, pressure, humidity and/or density deviate from standard values.KEYWORDS: year 1995, Anemometers, experiment, measuring, accuracy, temperature, pressure, humidity, air flow, comparing
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类