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现行 VC-20-005
Development of a New Accelerated Corrosion Test for All-Aluminum Microchannel and Tube and Fin Heat Exchangers--Part II: Chamber Study (RP-1645) 全铝微通道和管翅式换热器新型加速腐蚀试验的开发——第二部分:室内试验(RP-1645)
设计并实施了一种新的加速腐蚀试验,以评估全铝微通道换热器的耐腐蚀性。腐蚀性电解液的化学成分和pH值是根据国际标准化组织(ISO)标准9223《金属和合金腐蚀性大气腐蚀性分类、测定和评估》选择的,用于在商用腐蚀试验箱(ISO 2012)中模拟各种腐蚀环境。在高水平和低水平下研究了温度、干湿循环占空比和腐蚀性电解质浓度作为变量。在每次试验中,对十个热交换器样品进行了四组试验。冷冻水在五个样品中循环2500小时(第一次运行除外),定期移除热交换器,通过泄漏测试评估穿孔情况。 2500小时后,未检测到任何测试热交换器存在泄漏。然而,通过光学显微镜观察坑密度、坑深度和坑面积来观察和量化坑化趋势。每套试运行均提供了坑数图、坑深和坑面积表。正如预期的那样,根据腐蚀室内的样品位置,点蚀倾向在不同样品之间表现出一定的差异。与未进行冷冻水循环的热交换器样品相比,暴露于经历了冷冻水循环的湿/干循环的腐蚀剂中的热交换器样品显示出更多的凹坑。由于腐蚀剂的累积,大多数换热器样品的底部排显示出更严重的点蚀和损坏。引用:2020年虚拟会议技术论文
A new accelerated corrosion test was designed and implementedto assess corrosion resistance of all-aluminum microchannelheat exchangers. The chemical composition and pH ofcorrosive electrolytes were selected based on the InternationalOrganization for Standardization’s (ISO) Standard 9223,Corrosion of Metals and Alloys—Corrosivity of Atmospheres—Classification, Determination and Estimation, forsimulating various corrosive environments in an commerciallyavailable corrosion test chamber (ISO 2012). Temperature,duty cycle of wetting/drying cycles, and corrosive electrolyteconcentration as variables were studied at high and low levels.Four sets of tests were conducted on ten heat exchangersamples in each test. Chilled water was circulated in five of theten samples (except in the first run) for 2500 hours, and heatexchangers were removed periodically to assess for perforationusing a leak test. No leaks were detected after 2500 hoursfor any of the tested heat exchangers. However, pittingtendency was observed and quantified by pit density, pit depth,and pit area using optical microscopy. Plots of number of pitsand tables of pit depth and pit area are presented for each setof test runs. As expected, pitting tendencies exhibited certainvariance from one sample to the next depending on samplelocation inside the corrosion chamber. Heat exchangersamples exposed to corrosive agents that experienced wet/drycycles with chilled-water circulations showed higher numberof pits compared to their counterparts with no chilled-watercirculation. The bottom rows of most heat exchanger samplesshowed more severe pitting and damage due to accumulationof corrosive agents.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类