Small craft — Anchoring, mooring and towing — Strong points
ISO 15084:2003规定了小型船舶锚定、系泊和拖曳用锚链、缆绳和缆绳的连接强度要求。它没有规定该船可以拖曳其他船只的强点要求。本标准适用于船体长度不超过24米的小型船舶。
ISO 15084:2003未定义锚定重量或链条和绳索的长度。
ISO 15084:2003 specifies requirements for strong points for attaching chains, cables and lines for anchoring, mooring and towing small craft. It does not specify the requirement for the strong point from which the craft can tow other vessels. This standard is applicable to small craft with a hull length up to 24 m.
ISO 15084:2003 does not define anchor weights or the length of chains and lines.