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现行 ISO 15463:2003
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Field inspection of new casing, tubing and plain-end drill pipe 石油和天然气工业——新套管、油管和平端钻杆的现场检查
发布日期: 2003-12-04
ISO 15463:2003规定了石油国家管材(OCTG)现场检验和试验的要求并给出了建议。ISO 15463:2003涵盖了现场检查中常用的实践和技术;然而,某些做法也可能适用于工厂检查。 ISO 15463:2003涵盖了检验人员的资格、检验方法的说明、各种检验方法的仪器校准和标准化程序。包括缺陷评估和受检OCTG的标记。 ISO 15463:2003适用于OCTG的现场检查,不适用于作为验收或拒收的依据(适用的采购规范适用,见5)。 4.2)
ISO 15463:2003 specifies requirements and gives recommendations for field inspection and testing of oil country tubular goods (OCTG). ISO 15463:2003 covers the practices and technology commonly used in field inspection; however, certain practices may also be suitable for mill inspections. ISO 15463:2003 covers the qualification of inspection personnel, a description of inspection methods and apparatus calibration and standardization procedures for various inspection methods. The evaluation of imperfections and marking of inspected OCTG are included. ISO 15463:2003 is applicable to field inspection of OCTG and is not applicable for use as a basis for acceptance or rejection (for which the applicable purchasing specification is applicable, see 5.4.2)
归口单位: ISO/TC 67/SC 5