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现行 ISO 11270:2014
Intelligent transport systems — Lane keeping assistance systems (LKAS) — Performance requirements and test procedures 智能交通系统——车道保持辅助系统(LKAS)——性能要求和试验程序
发布日期: 2014-04-29
ISO 11270:2014包含车道保持辅助系统(LKAS)的基本控制策略、最低功能要求、基本驾驶员接口元素、诊断和故障反应的最低要求以及性能测试程序。LKA为驾驶员的安全车道保持操作提供支持,不执行自动驾驶,也不防止可能的车道偏离。车辆安全运行的责任始终由驾驶员承担。LKAS计划在高速公路和同等道路上运行。LKAS包括识别车辆在其车道内位置的方法和影响车辆横向移动的方法。对于可见的车道标记,车道标记辅助系统应与驾驶员的期望一致。 具有临时或不规则车道标记的路段(如道路施工区)的支护不在ISO 11270:2014的范围内。ISO 11270:2014适用于乘用车、商用车和公共汽车。
ISO 11270:2014 contains the basic control strategy, minimum functionality requirements, basic driver interface elements, minimum requirements for diagnostics and reaction to failure, and performance test procedures for Lane Keeping Assistance Systems (LKAS). LKAS provide support for safe lane keeping operations by drivers and do not perform automatic driving nor prevent possible lane departures. The responsibility for the safe operation of the vehicle always remains with the driver. LKAS is intended to operate on highways and equivalent roads. LKAS consist of means for recognizing the location of the vehicle inside its lane and means for influencing lateral vehicle movement. LKAS should react consistently with the driver expectations with respect to the visible lane markings. The support at roadway sections having temporary or irregular lane markings (such as roadwork zones) is not within the scope of ISO 11270:2014. ISO 11270:2014 is applicable to passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and buses.
归口单位: ISO/TC 204