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现行 HI-02-18-3
Development of a Nondimensional Model for Estimating the Cooling Capacity and Electric Consumption of Single-Speed Split Systems Incorporated in Building Thermal Simulation Program 开发一个无量纲模型 用于估算建筑热模拟程序中采用的单速分流系统的制冷量和耗电量
冷却系统/建筑耦合遇到了几个建模困难。首先,由于缺乏冷却设备制造商的数据(制造商通常不太愿意提供这些信息),因此无法开发出准确的模型。其次,建筑模拟代码通常会给出很好的负荷估计结果,但不会给出系统消耗的估计结果,这主要是因为系统仅以其在标称稳态条件下的性能为特征。最后,由于大多数模拟代码的时间步长为1小时,因此不考虑系统的开/关循环。 本文的目的是提出一个单速分裂系统的无量纲模型,将瞬态和稳态两方面结合起来。至于稳态行为,已经使用制造商的数据开发了一个仅基于三个参数的大范围分体式系统热泵的数学模型。动态建模还需要了解另外四个参数。提出了系统动态耦合的模拟方法。 he模型与任何热力和气流建筑模拟代码的耦合,使我们能够以每小时的时间步长计算系统的运行时间和循环时间、总容量和感测容量、电力以及空调区湿度的变化。初步的仿真结果以及与试验室测量结果的比较表明,该模型能够准确地预测敏感容量和电功率。然而,观察到总制冷量建模存在差异,主要是因为未适当考虑试验室中的湿度。 单元:双引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第108卷,第。2.
The cooling system/building coupling encounters several modeling difficulties. First, the lack of manufacturers' data for cooling equipment (manufacturers are often not very keen on giving this information) prevent the development of an accurate model. Secondly, building simulation codes often give good results for the estimation of the loads but not for the estimation of the system consumption, mainly because the system is only characterized by its performance at nominal steady-state conditions. Finally, the on/off cycling of the system is not taken into account because the time step of most simulation codes is one hour.The purpose of this paper is to present a nondimensional model of single-speed split systems, integrating both transient and steady-state aspects. As for the steady-state behavior, a mathematical model has been developed using manufacturers’ data for a wide range of split-system heat pumps based on only three parameters. The modeling of he dynamic state requires the knowledge of four more parameters. A method of coupling the cooling system model with a simulation code for dynamic regimes is proposed as well. The coupling of he model with any thermal and airflow building simulation code allows one to calculate, with an hourly time step, the operating time and the cycling time for the system, the total and sensible capacities, the electric power, as well as the evolution of the humidity in the air-conditioned zone.The initial simulation results and comparisons with measurements in a test cell have shown that the model is capable of predicting the sensible capacity and he electric power with good accuracy. However,discrepancies were observed for the total cooling capacity modeling mainly because the humidity in the test cell was not properly taken into account.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国水力学会