Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1: General requirements
电气设备的测量 控制和实验室使用 - Emc要求 - 第1部分:一般要求
IEC 61326-1:20 20作为IEC 61326-1:20 20 RLV提供,其中包含国际标准及其红线版本,显示了与上一版本相比技术内容的所有变化。IEC 61326:2020规定了有关电气的抗扰度和排放要求?电气设备的磁兼容性(EMC),由低于1 000 V AC或1 500 V DC的电源或电池运行,或由被测电路运行。本部分涵盖用于专业、工业加工、工业制造和教育用途的设备。它包括用于
IEC 61326-1:2020 is available as IEC 61326-1:2020 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61326:2020 specifies requirements for immunity and emissions regarding electro?magnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrical equipment, operating from a supply or battery of less than 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC or from the circuit being measured. Equipment intended for professional, industrial-process, industrial-manufacturing and educational use is covered by this part. It includes equipment and computing devices for
- measurement and test;
- control;
- accessories intended for use with the above (such as sample handling equipment),
intended to be used in industrial and non-industrial locations.