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现行 CH-12-C002
Data Center Air Energy Recovery Techniques 数据中心空气能量回收技术
数据中心空间的能量回收似乎是一个明显的自动节能器。通常,提供给电子设备的所有能量都会变成废热,而一个普通的数据中心会通过干式冷却器、冷凝器或冷却塔将大量的热能排到大气中。本研究将探讨在供暖、通风和空调(HVAC)系统中使用空气能量回收技术来节约能源的机会,权衡系统和设备的成本、复杂性和操作与节约效益。虽然显能回收是明显的好处,但也将考虑影响湿度比的结果。研究了几种能量回收方案,以确定几种暖通空调系统中可能的节能措施,包括:焓轮换热器; 板式换热器;热管换热器;以及数据中心的直接热回风,如双风道VAV。能量回收将通过直接混合以及与热交换器间接混合的方式用于室外空气回火。引文:伊利诺伊州芝加哥ASHRAE会议论文
Energy recovery from data center spaces seems like an obvious automatic energy saver. Typically, all the energy supplied to the electronic equipment becomes waste heat, and an average data center rejects large amounts of this heat energy to the atmosphere via dry coolers, condensers or cooling towers. This study will examine the opportunities to save energy using air energy recovery techniques in heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, weighing the cost, complexity, and operation of systems and equipment against the savings benefits. While the sensible energy recovery is the apparent benefit, results affecting the humidity ratio will also be considered. Several energy recovery options are studied to determine the possible savings in several HVAC systems, including: enthalpy wheel heat exchangers; plate heat exchangers; heat pipe exchangers; and the data center hot return air directly such as dual duct VAV. The energy recovery will be reviewed for use in tempering outside air by way of direct mixing as well as indirectly with heat exchangers.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类