Industrial automation systems and integration — Physical device control — Data model for computerized numerical controllers — Part 111: Tools for milling machines
ISO 14649-111:2010规定了描述铣床和加工中心刀具数据的数据元素,这些数据元素与ISO 14649-11中规定的铣床和加工中心的工艺数据一起工作。它们可以作为选择多个操作之一的标准;它们没有描述特定工具的完整信息。因此,省略可选属性可以让控制器更自由地从更大的工具集中进行选择。
ISO 14649-111:2010还规定了刀具设置表中提供的信息:刀具标识符;工具类型;刀具几何;取决于应用程序的预期刀具寿命。
ISO 14649-111:2010使用ISO 10303-11中规定的明示语言。
ISO 14649-111:2010 specifies the data elements describing cutting tool data for milling machine tools and machining centres, which work together with the process data for milling machine tools and machining centres specified in ISO 14649-11. They can be used as criteria for selecting one of several operations; they do not describe complete information on a particular tool. Therefore, leaving out optional attributes gives the controller more freedom to select from a larger set of tools.
ISO 14649-111:2010 also specifies the information to be provided in the tool set-up sheet: tool identifier; tool type; tool geometry; application-dependent expected tool life.
The following data types are outside its scope: normative tool life; tool location in the tool changer; adaptive items also know as tool holders or tool clamping devices; tools for other technologies, such as turning, grinding and electrical discharge machining (EDM).
ISO 14649-111:2010 uses the EXPRESS language as specified in ISO 10303-11.