Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes
本标准规定了与符合ASTM B 88(水和一般管道系统)的扩口无缝铜管一起使用的铸铜合金管件和螺母的规范。包括以下要求:(a)压力额定值;(b) 大小;(c) 标记;(d) 材料;(e) 尺寸;(f) 螺纹和(g)水压试验。
This Standard establishes specifications for cast copper alloy fittings and nuts used with flared seamless copper tube conforming to ASTM B 88 (water and general plumbing systems). Included are requirements for the following:(a) pressure rating;(b) size;(c) marking;(d) material;(e) dimensions;(f) threading and(g) hydrostatic testing.