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现行 ASTM F2047-25
Standard Practice for Workers’ Compensation Coverage of Emergency Services Volunteers 紧急服务志愿者的工人赔偿范围的标准实施规程
发布日期: 2025-01-01
1.1 该惯例以志愿者或单位提供服务的州的工人赔偿法规规定的方式和范围界定了紧急服务志愿者和单位保险福利的应用。 1.2 这一做法确定了紧急服务志愿者的基本类型和工人赔偿保险应涵盖的活动类型。 1.3 这种做法既包括作为法律上负责提供搜索和救援服务的公共当局的有组织资源运作的紧急服务单位,也包括响应公众对其服务的一般请求的志愿者。 1.4 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全性问题(如果有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全、健康和环境实践并确定法规限制的适用性。1.5 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ======意义和用途====== 3.1 就本惯例而言,假定在特定司法管辖区负责紧急服务的法律当局(机构)也有法律责任为正式受薪雇员提供工人赔偿保险。 3.2 据推测,紧急服务志愿者会被不定期地要求代表机构提供特殊技能或援助。因此,这些志愿者充当-机构的时间雇员,并有权在特别要求时,或根据批准的计划或时间表,或在全职雇员的监督下提供这些服务。 3.3 当紧急服务志愿者(ESV)积极向机构提供第节中定义的服务时,法定机构承担紧急服务志愿者(ESV)的工人赔偿保险责任 5 这种做法。这段时间的活动应被视为该机构的国家工人赔偿法规所定义的就业。 3.4 当法律机构(机构)请求本惯例中定义的紧急服务志愿者提供服务时,该机构应对这些紧急服务志愿者在提供本惯例中描述的服务时的受伤、医疗、工资损失和死亡承担责任。3.5 紧急服务志愿者在提供本惯例中描述的服务时受伤、医疗、工资损失和死亡的责任应在请求紧急服务志愿者服务的机构所在州的工人赔偿法的法定限度内,并应根据该机构的州工人赔偿法和法规进行管理。 3.6 紧急服务单位成员的工人赔偿责任应与 3.1 ,并应由通常指导ESU活动的机构提供。 3.7 紧急服务辅助单位成员的工人赔偿责任应与 3.1 除非其他法规或协议另有规定,工人赔偿保险应由请求服务和指导非盟活动的机构提供。3.8 为了向机构提供能够安全有效地工作的训练有素的人员,通常要求紧急服务志愿者参与紧急服务单位的培训活动。 3.8.1 培训计划被认为对于在培训期间建立工人赔偿保险范围的基础至关重要。该计划既是对负责的法律机构的事先通知,也是为支持所提供服务水平而进行的培训的文件。培训计划被认为是一份动态文件,反映了由于天气、单位参与、新确定的技能和重新安排的优先事项而产生的必要变化。当培训计划发生变化时,修订后的计划将提交给机构。 3.8.2 根据其服务合同提供保险和福利的机构、市政当局或政府实体可能需要培训计划,或者仅仅是为了方便定义活动期限。3.8.3 培训计划应建立目标并列出可衡量的目标。这些目标为培训和所提供的事件响应服务之间的关系提供了基础。该计划应列出该单位的所有计划活动以及预计谁将参与。这将描述哪里需要和期望保险。该计划应详细说明对法律当局的活动和资源的监督。该计划应确立一种向负责该股培训活动的法律当局问责的手段,例如向中央派遣人员登记,并列入正式的活动名册。 3.8.4 培训计划将包含以下要素,以有资格纳入工人赔偿范围: 紧急服务单位的标识。 计划涵盖的时间段的定义,通常为一年。 建立ESU与法律当局的关系。 总体计划目标的确立。 培训计划的大纲(即现场和教室、设备维护、机构管辖范围之外的培训等)。 训练计划的具体大纲(如速降、夜间野外导航、搜索和消防技术、医疗应用等)。 建立客观满意度的标准。 3.8.5 该培训计划和活动必须涉及技术、技能和安全,并且必须旨在使个人和单位能够满足公认的国家标准或请求机构可接受的其他标准。3.8.6 人们认识到,由于ESV需要掌握的技能的性质,危险活动的培训本身通常是危险的。 3.8.7 由于该机构是这种培训的受益者,据说ESV在作为紧急服务单位成员参加培训的同时,被该机构雇用以获得工人赔偿福利。所涵盖的培训活动是指ESU与机构之间的谅解备忘录或其他协议中定义为官方活动的活动,机构在这些活动中提供工人补偿福利。 3.9 机构可能会要求紧急服务志愿者或单位提供公共教育服务。这些服务可能包括公开露面、预防性搜索和救援(PSAR)计划、地面搜索操作的空中搜索熟悉、急救和CPR教育、防火教育等。3.9.1 当从事该机构授权的此类活动时,ESV或ESU被视为受雇于该机构,用于工人赔偿保险。
1.1 This practice defines the application of insurance benefits for emergency services volunteers and units in the manner and extent provided under the workers’ compensation statutes of the state in which the volunteer or unit provides services. 1.2 This practice identifies the basic types of emergency service volunteers and the types of activities that should be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. 1.3 This practice includes both emergency service units who operate as organized resources for a public authority legally responsible for the provision of search and rescue services, as well as those volunteers who respond to a general request to the public for their services. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 3.1 It is presumed for the purposes of this practice that the legal authority (agency) having responsibility for emergency services in a given jurisdiction also has a legal responsibility to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for regular paid employees. 3.2 Emergency services volunteers are presumed to be requested irregularly to provide special skills or assistance on behalf of the agency. As such, these volunteers act as part-time employees of the agency and are empowered to act to provide these services when specifically requested to do so, or pursuant to an approved plan or schedule, or under the supervision of a full-time employee. 3.3 The legal authority incurs workers’ compensation insurance responsibility for emergency services volunteers (ESVs) while the ESV is actively providing services to the agency as defined in Section 5 of this practice. This period of activity shall be considered to be employment as defined by the state workers’ compensation statutes of the agency. 3.4 When a legal authority (agency) requests the services of emergency services volunteers as defined by this practice to provide services, the agency shall assume responsibility for the injuries, medical treatment, loss of wages, and death of those emergency services volunteers while providing services as described in this practice. 3.5 Responsibility for the injuries, medical treatment, loss of wages, and death of those emergency services volunteers while providing services as described in this practice shall be at the statutory limits of the workers’ compensation laws of the state of the agency requesting the services of the emergency services volunteer, and shall be administered in accordance with that agency's state workers’ compensation laws and regulations. 3.6 Responsibility for workers’ compensation for members of emergency services units shall be the same as outlined in 3.1 , and shall be provided by the agency normally directing the activities of the ESU. 3.7 Responsibility for workers’ compensation for members of emergency services auxiliary units shall be the same as outlined in 3.1 and, unless provided for by other statute or agreement, workers’ compensation insurance shall be provided by the agency requesting the services and directing the activities of the AU. 3.8 To provide an agency with trained personnel who are able to work in a safe and effective manner, it is generally required that the emergency service volunteer engage in training activity with the emergency service unit. 3.8.1 A training plan is considered essential in establishing the basis for workers’ compensation insurance coverage during training. The plan serves as both prior notice to the responsible legal authority and documentation of training done to support the level of service provided. The training plan is considered to be a dynamic document, reflecting necessary changes due to weather, unit participation, newly identified skills, and rearranged priorities. As changes are made to the training plan, the revised plan is to be submitted to the agency. 3.8.2 The training plan may be required by the agency, municipality, or government entity providing coverage and benefits in accordance with its contract for services or merely as a convenience to define activity periods. 3.8.3 The training plan should establish goals and list measurable objectives. These goals provide a basis for a relationship between training and the incident response services provided. The plan should list all planned activity of the unit and who is expected to participate. This will delineate where insurance coverage is needed and expected. The plan should detail what supervision of activities and resources of the legal authority is expected. The plan should establish a means of accountability to the responsible legal authority for the unit's training activities, such as by check-in with a central dispatch, and listing on a formal activity roster. 3.8.4 The training plan will contain the following elements to qualify for inclusion in workers’ compensation coverage: Identification of the emergency services unit. Definition of the period of time covered by the plan, usually a year. Establishment of the relationship of the ESU with the legal authority. Establishment of the overall plan goals. Broad outline of training plan (that is, field and classroom, equipment maintenance, training outside of the jurisdiction of the agency, and so forth). Specific outline of training plan (such as rappelling, nighttime field navigation, search and firefighting techniques, medical applications, and so forth). Establishment of criteria for objective satisfaction. 3.8.5 This training plan and activity must address techniques, skills, and safety, and must be designed to enable the individual and the unit to meet recognized national standards or other standards as acceptable to the requesting agency. 3.8.6 It is recognized that training for hazardous activity is often hazardous in and of itself, by the nature of the skills that the ESV is required to master. 3.8.7 Since the agency is the beneficiary of this training, the ESV is said to be employed by the agency for the purposes of workers’ compensation benefits while engaging in training as a member of an emergency services unit. Covered training activities are those activities defined as official activities in a memorandum of understanding or other agreement between the ESU and the agency, where the agency is providing workers’ compensation benefits. 3.9 An emergency services volunteer or unit may be requested by an agency to provide public education services. These services may include public appearances, preventative search and rescue (PSAR) programs, air search familiarization for ground search operations, first aid and CPR education, fire prevention education, and others. 3.9.1 When engaged in such activities authorized by the agency, the ESV or ESU is considered to be employed by the agency for the purposes of workers’ compensation insurance.
归口单位: F32.02