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现行 CH-77-13-1
A Method for Calculating Energy Consumption of a Room Air Conditioner 房间空调器能耗的一种计算方法
购买房间空调的消费者可以选择不同能效等级的型号(EER,定义为铭牌制冷量(Btu/hr)与平板功率(瓦特)之比)。能效比更高的车型需要更少的能源,因此运行更经济;然而,它们的初始成本更高。对智能购买决策感兴趣的知识渊博的消费者,将希望在比较降低能耗和增加成本以获得更高效模式的潜在成本节约的基础上做出选择。要做到这一点,他需要有计算机组能耗的信息,这需要对机组安装地理位置的预计运行小时数进行估计。 在过去,这种信息很难获得。许多关于空调运行时间的文章已经发表,但它们倾向于针对中央系统,基于严格的理论计算,或者涉及基于有限(如果有的话)现场测试数据的估计。《ASHRAE 1973系统手册》和早期版本在第43章“能量估算方法”中有一个表格,其中包含了有关估计运行小时数的有限数据;近年来,这些数据的可信度受到了质疑。本章在1976年系统手册中进行了广泛修订,现在包括了一个更完整的表格,显示了36个美国系统的估计运行小时范围。 城市;该文本指出,“住宅单元将朝向范围的低端”。房间空调行业内有一种强烈的感觉,即人们操作房间单元的方式与中央住宅系统明显不同,因此每年的运行时间也会有所不同。有人指出,需要专门针对房间空调进行研究。下面的讨论将描述由家用空调制造商协会(AHAM)赞助的项目,该项目提出了一种估算房间空调运行时间的方法——一种基于与现场测试数据相关性的方法。我的论文涵盖的程序的主要目的是为个人提供一种方法,以估计他正在考虑购买的特定房间空调的功耗。 如果要使用这些信息来估计一组房间空调的总耗电量,则需要了解机组在组中的额定功率分布以及每个额定功率的运行小时数。我们还没有收集到任何此类数据。引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第83卷,第一部分,伊利诺伊州芝加哥
A consumer purchasing a room air conditioner has a choice of models with various Energy Efficiency Ratings (EER, defined as the ratio of nameplate cooling capacity in Btu/hr and plate power in watts). Models with higher EER's require less energy and are therefore more economical to operate; however, their initial cost is greater. The knowledgeable consumer, interested in making an intelligent purchase decision, will want to make his choice based on a comparison of potential cost savings from reduced energy consumption and added cost for a more efficient model. To do this he needs to have information for calculating the ¢nergy consumption of the unit, and this requires an estimate of the hours of operation to be expected for the geographic location in which the unit is to be installed. In the past, this information has been difficult to obtain. Many articles have been published on the subject of hours of operation of air conditioners, but they have tended to be directed toward central systems, to be based on strictly theoretical calculations, or to involve estimates based on limited, if any, field test data. The ASHRAE 1973 System Handbook, and earlier editions, carried a table in Chapter 43, Energy Estimating Methods, with limited data on estimated hours of operation; the credibility of this data had been questioned in recent years. This chapter has been extensively revised in the 1976 Systems Handbook and now includes a more complete table showing ranges of estimated hours of operation for 36 U.S. Cities; the text notes that "residential units will be towards the lower end of the range".There has been a strong feeling within the room air conditioner industry that people operate room units in a significantly different manner from central residential systems, and that the annual hours of operation would therefore be different. A need for a study specifically directed toward room air conditioners was indicated.The discussion which follows will describe the program sponsored by the Association of Home Allpliance Manufacturers (AHAM) which has led to a method for estimating hours of operation for room air conditioners--a method based on correlation with field test data.The primary intent of the program covered by my paper is to provide a method for an individual to estimate the power consumption of a particular room air conditioner he is considering buying. If the information is to be used to estimate total power consumption of a population of room air conditioners, then something needs to be known about the distribution of power ratings of the units in the population and the hours run for each power rating. We have not gathered any data of this type.
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