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现行 IEC 61391-1:2006+AMD1:2017 CSV
Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo scanners - Part 1: Techniques for calibrating spatial measurement systems and measurement of point-spread function response 超声波.脉冲回波扫描仪.第1部分:校准空间测量系统和测量点扩展函数响应的技术
发布日期: 2017-07-10
IEC 61391-1:20 06+A1:2017描述了在0.5 MHz至15 MHz超声频率范围内校准超声成像设备的空间测量设施和点扩展功能的方法。本标准适用于下列类型的基于脉冲回波原理的超声波扫描仪:-机械式扇形扫描仪;-电子相控阵扇形扫描仪;-电子线性阵列扫描仪;-电子曲面阵列扇形扫描器;-基于上述四种扫描机构中的任一种的水浴扫描仪;-3D体积重建系统。该合并版本由第一版(2006年)及其修正案1(2017年)组成。因此,除本出版物外,无需下令修订。
IEC 61391-1:2006+A1:2017 describes methods of calibrating the spatial measurement facilities and point-spread function of ultrasonic imaging equipment in the ultrasonic frequency range 0,5 MHz to 15 MHz. This standard is relevant for ultrasonic scanners based on the pulse echo principle of the types listed below: - mechanical sector scanners; - electronic phased-array sector scanners; - electronic linear-array scanners; - electronic curved-array sector scanners; - water bath scanners based on any of the above four scanning mechanisms; - 3D-volume reconstruction systems. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (2006) and its amendment 1 (2017). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
归口单位: TC 87