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现行 ICER16-34
Energy Saving Potential of Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooling (IDEC) in A/C Applications under Extreme Hot and Humid Conditions in Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯极端湿热条件下空调应用中间接/直接蒸发冷却(IDEC)的节能潜力
本初步研究评估了在极端炎热和潮湿气候条件下,交流冷却应用中间接/直接蒸发冷却(IDEC)的整体能源性能。试点范围包括安装一台5吨的IDEC混合(串联)机组和一台现有的5吨常规DX机组,为位于沙特阿拉伯达兰的一栋房屋提供舒适的制冷。室内制冷需求由IDEC机组满足45%的制冷季小时数,而剩余的55%由DX机组满足。整个IDEC/DX混合动力系统的总加权年平均能效比(EER)为15.1,与仅在整个冷却季节使用DX机组相比,实现了26%的年节能。 根据室外干球空气温度记录了IDEC单位用水量,并观察到室外温度为66°F至108°F时,其特征范围分别为1.1 GPH至19.6 GPH。获得的结果为暖通空调界提供了更多关于极端炎热和潮湿气候下IDEC AC应用的机会和局限性的见解。引文:2016年3月14日至16日在科威特召开的第六届国际能源研究与开发会议
This pilot study evaluates the overall energy performance of indirect/direct evaporative cooling (IDEC) in AC cooling applications under extreme hot and humid climatic conditions. The pilot scope included the installation of a 5 ton, IDEC unit in hybrid (tandem) operation with an existing 5 ton conventional DX package unit to provide comfort cooling to a house located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The house cooling demand was met by the IDEC unit 45% of the cooling season hours, while the remaining 55% were met by the DX package unit. The overall IDEC / DX hybrid system had a collective weighted annual average Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of 15.1, achieving 26% annual energy savings compared to using the DX package unit for the entire cooling season alone. The IDEC unit water usage was recorded as a function of the outdoor dry bulb air temperatures and was observed to have a signature range of 1.1 GPH to 19.6 GPH for outdoor temperatures of 66 °F to 108 °F respectively. Results obtained provide more insight to the HVAC community for the opportunities and limitations of the IDEC AC applications under extreme hot and humid climates.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类