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现行 ISO 15727:2020
UV-C devices — Measurement of the output of a UV-C lamp UV-C设备 - UV-C灯的输出测量
发布日期: 2020-01-10
本文件规定了UV-C灯输出的测量、UV-C灯的类型、灯镇流器和安全问题。 适用于线性UV-C消毒灯的输出测量。 本文件规定了用于评估安装在供暖、通风和空调(HVAC)系统中的UV-C灯输出功率的测量方法。该方法包括模拟测量UV-C灯在不同温度和不同风速下的UV-C输出功率,以及灯的轴向平行或垂直于气流方向的情况。根据测试结果,可以可靠地评估和比较紫外线杀菌辐射(UVGI)装置中UV-C灯的UV-C输出功率。 如果已知配备相同类型UV-C灯的特定UVGI装置的微生物失活率,则可以评估UVGI装置在不同温度和不同风速下的微生物失活率。
This document specifies the measurement of the output of a UV-C lamp, types of UV-C lamp, lamp ballast, and safety issues. It is applicable to the output measurement of linear UV-C disinfection lamps. This document specifies a measurement method for evaluating output power of UV-C lamps installed in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The method includes the simulation measurement of UV-C output power of UV-C lamps under various temperatures and various air velocities, and under conditions that the axial direction of the lamp is parallel or perpendicular to the air flow direction. It can reliably evaluate and compare the UV-C output power of UV-C lamps in the ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) device based on the testing results. If the microbial inactivation rate of a particular UVGI device equipped with the same type of UV-C lamp is known, the microbial inactivation rate of the UVGI device at various temperatures and at various air velocities can be evaluated.
归口单位: ISO/TC 142