Clothing for protection against liquid chemicals — Determination of the resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by liquids under pressure
ISO 13994:2005描述了一种实验室试验方法,该方法能够测定防护服中使用的材料在连续液体接触和压力条件下的抗可见渗透性,例如,暴露在压力下反复喷溅液体的防护服。防护服“合格/不合格”的确定基于液体渗透的视觉检测。
ISO 13994:2005仅涉及材料或某些材料结构的性能(例如:。
g、 (接缝)用于防护服。本标准不涉及服装的设计、整体结构和组件、接口或其他可能影响防护服提供的整体防护的因素。
ISO 13994:2005 describes a laboratory test method that enables determination of the resistance of materials used in protective clothing to visible penetration under the conditions of continuous liquid contact and pressure, for example, clothing that is exposed to repeated splashes of liquid spray under pressure. Protective clothing "pass/fail" determinations are based on visual detection of liquid penetration.
This test method is normally used to evaluate the barrier effectiveness against liquids of materials used for protective clothing and specimens from finished items of protective clothing.
ISO 13994:2005 addresses only the performance of materials or certain material constructions (e.g. seams) used in protective clothing. It does not address the design, overall construction and components, or interfaces of garments or other factors which may affect the overall protection offered by the protective clothing.