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现行 LO-09-057(RP-1394)
Dynalene/Water Correlations to Be Used for Condensation of CO2 in Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers 钎焊板式换热器中用于CO2冷凝的Dynalene/水关联式
本文基于ASHRAE研究项目RP-1394的研究结果。本课题的主要目的是对钎焊板式换热器中二氧化碳冷凝的实验研究。然而,为了分析和描述两相流,必须描述通过这些微通道换热器的单相流。在这篇手稿中,首先回顾了关于这个主题的公开文献,然后描述了整个系统的测试设备,最后给出了单相流的初步结果。本研究考虑并测试了三种不同内部结构的钎焊板式换热器,每种结构由三个通道组成。对于两相分析,二氧化碳是流经中间通道的工作流体,而dynalene是流经侧通道的冷却流体。 对于单相分析,分别使用流经中间通道和侧通道的热水和冷水获取数据。在中间通道和冷却的Dyalin在周围的通道中也使用了热水。采用改进的Wilson图技术得到单相传热系数,并估算了压降的扇形摩擦系数。所得相关性在合理的标准偏差和不确定度范围内,并与其他相关研究进行了比较。单位:双引文:ASHRAE交易,第115卷,第。2、路易斯维尔2009
This paper is based on findings resulting from ASHRAE Research Project RP-1394.Experimental study of condensation of carbon dioxide in brazed plate heat exchangers is the main objective of this research project. However, it is essential to characterize the single-phase flow through these minichannel heat exchangers in order to analyze and formulate the two-phase flow. In this manuscript, the open literature on the subject is reviewed first, the facility for testing the entire system is then described, and the initial results on the single-phase flow are presented at the end. Three brazed plate heat exchangers with different interior configurations, each consisting of three channels, are considered and tested in this study. For the two-phase analysis, carbon dioxide is the working fluid, flowing through the middle channel, while dynalene is the cooling fluid, flowing through the side channels. For the single-phase analysis, data was taken using hot and cold water flow through the middle and side channels, respectively. Data was also taken using hot water in the middle and chilled dynalene in the surrounding channels. The modified Wilson plot technique was applied to obtain single-phase heat transfer coefficients, and Fanning friction factor was estimated for the pressure drop. The resulted correlations were within reasonable range of standard deviation and uncertainty, and compared well with other relevant studies.Units: Dual
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