Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources — Guidelines for the use of basic standards
ISO 3740:2019提供了一套十二项基本国际标准(见表1、2和3)的使用指南,其中描述了确定所有类型机械、设备和产品声功率级的各种方法。它为选择一种或多种适用于任何特定类型声源、测量环境和所需精度的标准提供了指导。给出的指南适用于空气传播的声音。它用于编制噪声测试代码(见ISO 12001)以及无特定噪声测试代码的噪声排放测试。
ISO 3740:2019无意取代参考的基本国际标准中单个试验方法的任何细节或增加任何附加要求。
注1:两个相互补充的量可用于描述机械、设备和产品的噪声排放。一个是指定位置的发射声压级,另一个是声功率级。国际标准ISO 11200至ISO 11205(参考文献[20]至[25])描述了在工作站和其他指定位置测定发射声压级的基本方法。
注2:ISO 3741至ISO 3747中提到的声能级未在本文件中提及,因为任何法律要求中均未提及。
其应用仅限于ISO 12001中定义的单个声能突发或瞬态声音的非常特殊情况。
ISO 3740:2019 gives guidance for the use of a set of twelve basic International Standards (see Tables 1, 2 and 3) describing various methods for determining sound power levels from all types of machinery, equipment and products. It provides guidance on the selection of one or more of these standards, appropriate to any particular type of sound source, measurement environment and desired accuracy. The guidance given applies to airborne sound. It is for use in the preparation of noise test codes (see ISO 12001) and also in noise emission testing where no specific noise test code exists. Such standardized noise test codes can recommend the application of particular basic International Standard(s) and give detailed requirements on mounting and operating conditions for a particular family to which the machine under test belongs, in accordance with general principles given in the basic standards.
ISO 3740:2019 is not intended to replace any of the details of, or add any additional requirements to, the individual test methods in the basic International Standards referenced.
NOTE 1 Two quantities which complement each other can be used to describe the noise emission of machinery, equipment and products. One is the emission sound pressure level at a specified position and the other is the sound power level. The International Standards which describe the basic methods for determining emission sound pressure levels at work stations and at other specified positions are ISO 11200 to ISO 11205 (References [20] to [25]).
NOTE 2 The sound energy level mentioned in ISO 3741 to ISO 3747 is not addressed in this document as it is not mentioned in any legal requirement. Its application is limited to very special cases of a single burst of sound energy or transient sound defined in ISO 12001.