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现行 ISO/TR 17748-1:2024
Intelligent transportation systems — Energy-based green ITS services for smart city mobility applications via nomadic and mobile devices — Part 1: General information and use case definitions 智能交通系统 通过游牧和移动设备为智能城市移动应用提供的基于能源的绿色ITS服务 第1部分:一般信息和用例定义
发布日期: 2024-10-14
本文件提供了适合部署智能城市移动和能效技术的能源总量的框架和信息。这些技术可以提高运营能源效率,实现增强的运输无废物能源应用,以及测量能源消耗。 基于能源的绿色智能交通系统(G-ITS)标准框架建立在节能交通和管理系统以及智能交通系统(ITS)应用的最佳实践基础上,旨在满足智能城市中基于能源的绿色ITS的特定需求。 G-ITS使用数据平台来测量交通能源并预测需求。智能城市提供G-ITS服务,通过使用游牧设备和监控能源供应和需求来提高能源效率。本文档从能源效率的角度描述了交通模式的变化。它概述了: -使用游牧和移动设备的基于能量的G-ITS即服务的一般信息; -使用游牧和移动设备的基于能量的G-ITS服务的用例; -基于能源的移动服务的用例,例如电动汽车(EV)、运输基础设施和使用游牧设备的其他移动服务。

This document provides a framework and information on the total amount of energy appropriate for the deployment of smart city mobility and energy efficiency technologies. These technologies can increase operational energy efficiency and unlock enhanced transportation waste-free energy applications, as well as measuring energy consumption.

The standard framework for energy-based green intelligent transport systems (G-ITS) builds on the best practices for energy efficient transport and management systems, as well as applications of intelligent transport systems (ITS), and aims to accommodate the specific needs of energy-based green ITS in smart cities.

G-ITS use data platforms to measure energy for transport and to forecast demand. A smart city provides G-ITS services to improve energy efficiency by using nomadic devices and by monitoring energy supply and demand.

This document describes the change in the traffic paradigm from the perspective of energy efficiency. It outlines:

     general information for energy-based G-ITS as a service using nomadic and mobile devices;

     use cases for energy-based G-ITS services using nomadic and mobile devices;

     use cases for energy-based mobility services, for example electric vehicles (EV), transportation infrastructure and other mobility services using nomadic devices.

归口单位: ISO/TC 204