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现行 ISO 2889:2023
Sampling airborne radioactive materials from the stacks and ducts of nuclear facilities 从核设施的烟囱和管道中取样空气中的放射性物质
发布日期: 2023-07-24
本文件规定了基于性能的标准和建议,用于对核设施管道和烟囱排出空气中的空气中的放射性物质进行采样的系统的设计和使用。 本文件的要求和建议针对为法规遵从性和系统控制而进行的抽样。如果现有空气采样系统的设计不符合本文件的性能要求和建议,建议对系统的性能进行评估。如果发现缺陷,建议确定改造是否需要和可行。 仅设计用于正常操作的取样系统不可能在所有条件下都满足本文件的要求。在关闭-正常情况下,本文件的标准或建议仍然适用。然而,对于事故条件,可以使用特殊的事故空气采样系统或测量。 本文件不涉及核设施工作场所的室外空气采样、氡测量或空气传播放射性物质的监测。 笔记?参考?[1]介绍了核空气监测中经常使用的仪器。参考?[5]涉及核设施工作场所的空气采样。参考资料?[6]和[7]描述了空气监测仪的性能特点。

This document sets forth performance-based criteria and recommendations for the design and use of systems for sampling of airborne radioactive materials in the effluent air from the ducts and stacks of nuclear facilities.

The requirements and recommendations of this document are aimed at sampling that is conducted for regulatory compliance and system control. If existing air-sampling systems are not designed to the performance requirements and recommendations of this document, an evaluation of the performance of the system is advised. If deficiencies are discovered, a determination of whether or not a retrofit is needed and practicable is recommended.

It can be impossible to meet the requirements of this document in all conditions with a sampling system designed for normal operations only. Under off-normal conditions, the criteria or recommendations of this document still apply. However, for accident conditions, special accident air sampling systems or measurements can be used.

This document does not address outdoor air sampling, radon measurements, or the surveillance of airborne radioactive substances in the workplace of nuclear facilities.

NOTE            Reference [1] addresses the instrumentation that is frequently used in nuclear air monitoring. Reference [5] addresses air sampling in the workplace of nuclear facilities. References [6] and [7] describe the performance characteristics of air monitors.

归口单位: ISO/TC 85/SC 2