This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting a brief overview of the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD). The District's motivation included:
expand recycled water use, diversify water
supplies, meet Board policy targets;
secure a global-warming proof/drought-proof
expand non-potable use over certain
sensitive areas that currently don't use
recycled water; and,
open the door for future indirect potable
reuse in the county. Objectives of advanced recycled water treatment facilities (ARWTF)
meet target SBWR recycled water TDS
concentration of 500 mg/L; and,
meet current max week SBWR recycled water
demand. Major components of the ARWTF included:
membrane filtration;
reverse osmosis; and,
ultraviolet disinfection. A capacity evaluation summary is presented, along with treatment trains for both dry and wet weather. Includes table, figures.