Students Awards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000
Introductory Text1.Citation and commencement2.Supplemental amendments to the Competition Act 1998Transitional provisions3.The Patents Act 19774.Disclosure of Restricted InformationConsequential amendments5.Agricultural Marketing Act 19586.Cereals Marketing Act 19657.Agriculture Act 19678.Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 19689.Fair Trading Act 197310.Participation Agreements Act 197811.Competition Act 198012.Merchant Shipping (Liner Conferences) Act 198213.Insurance Companies Act 198214.Transport Act 198515.Housing Act 198516.Housing Associations Act 198517.Airports Act 198618.Gas Act 198619.Insolvency Act 198620.Financial Services Act 198621.Channel Tunnel Act 198722.Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 198823.Electricity Act 198924.Companies Act 198925.Courts and Legal Services Act 199026.Broadcasting Act 199027.New Roads and Street Works Act 199128.Environment Act 199529.Gas Act 199530.Uncertificated Securities Regulations 199531.Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 199632.EC Competition Law (Articles 88 and 89) Enforcement Regulations 199633.Plant Varieties Act 199734.Petroleum Act 199835.Greater London Authority Act 1999Consequential Amendments: Northern Ireland36.Livestock Marketing Commission Act (Northern Ireland) 196737.Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 198138.Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 199039.Companies (No. 2) (Northern Ireland) Order 199040.Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 199341.Airports (Northern Ireland) Order 199442.Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 199643.Producer Responsibility Obligations (Northern Ireland) Order 1998Consequential Amendments: Scotland44.Housing (Scotland) Act 1987SignatureExplanatory Note
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